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Friday 5:04 p.m.


"Never say that again."

"Whatever. Anyway, why'd you call?"

"Well, I'm driving so I can't really text, and I needed to tell you before I forgot."

"Tell me what?"

"Invite all your friends to the party. Alice, Frank, and Marlene."

"Remember that girl who I said recognized us?"


"Well, her name's Ally, and she's pretty cool."

"Is that your way of asking if you can invite her?"


"Invite whoever."


"Alright, I have to go hit on the liquor store owner so she'll accept my fake ID."

"I don't know how I feel about that."

"She's forty."

"I'm okay with that."

"Bye dork. Love you."

"Love you too, punk. Oh my god mom shut up. You're embarrassing!"

Saturday 8:03 p.m.

"Ehhh... Hello?"

"-I'm at your house right now to bring you shopping because you own no party clothes.-"

"I feel like I just went shopping with you and Lily to get clothes."

"-Those were different clothes. Get up. I have coffee and donuts.-"

"I don't wanna..."

"-Guess that means I'm coming in and jumping on you.-"

"Fine... "

9:30 a.m.


Hey :) What does the classy Remus have planned for today?

Shopping with Mar. Apparently I don't own party clothes.

Dude. We have a pool. Everyone is going to be in a bathing suit.

I just informed Marlene and now she says I need new swim trunks bc mine are too gay

I <3 your floral ones

Marlene is trying to help my social status

The shorter the better she says


Well I'm not going to disagree with her.

She wants to get me bright yellow

At least try them.

I did. I don't like them. They're too short.

Probably not short enough. You should take a picture and let me be the judge.

Har har har

I'm getting ones with tiny whales on them. Hurray

You're a child.

10:31 a.m.


"Are you in Victoria's Secret right now?"

"Um... No."

"I don't like our relationship being built on lies."

"I'm with Mar! She made me!"

"You look very awkward."

"Wait, are you here?"

"How else would I know?"

10:34 a.m.

Remus spins around to face the door and sees Sirius standing a few feet away grinning with his phone pressed against his ear.


"Hi," Remus replies.

"Um, are you just going to stand there or are you going to let me buy you ice cream?"

Remus laughs, ends the call, and shoves the phone in his pocket.

"Remus! Where are you?" Mar calls from behind.

Remus motions for Sirius to wait a second before disappearing to find his friend. Mar just finished checking out and is wandering around the store with a large bag in her hand.

"Sirius is here so I'm just going to go hang out with him for a bit," Remus says quickly.

"Wow. How dare you."

"I still love you!" He kisses her cheek and bounces away to go find to his boyfriend. As soon as he steps out the store, Sirius is buy his side, lacing their fingers together.

"Hey." Sirius nods to the bag in Remus' hand. "Is that your whale swimsuit?"

"Yeah." Remus stares curiously at the two bags in Sirius' hand- Spencer's and Hot Topic. "Do I want to know what's in there?"

"Probably not. Most of it you won't have to worry about until later..."

"And by that you mean?"

"I'm an incredibly kinky fellow."

"Right... Um... So, ice cream?"

12:05 p.m.

"You neglected to tell me you were meeting you boyfriend here," James says breaking through the couple's hands like a game of Red Rover.

"Hello, third wheel," Sirius says bored, taking Remus' hand again. Peter bounces up from behind. "Fourth wheel."

"We can make a car now," Peter replies cheekily.

"Remus! There you are!" Mar calls, jogging up to the four boys.

"Whoa, she's hot," Peter states before she's in hearing range.

"Sirius, I'm hungry. Let's get lunch," James says bored.

"I'm kind of busy here."

Remus laughs. "Nah, it's fine. Mar and I have lunch plans anyways."

"Cool, let's go with them!" Peter says happily.

"Have you no boundaries?" Sirius sighs annoyed.

Marlene shrugs. "You guys can come. It's just Chinese food." She turns to Peter and James. "By the way, I'm Marlene."


Peter takes her hand in his and kisses the top of it. "Peter. It's a pleasure."

It's funny because she's a foot taller than him in those heels.

What's funnier is that she's into that stuff bc she likes to dominate.

"Are you guys really texting each other? That's so gay."

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