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Oh man. Smut alert at 10:30 p.m. Skip it if you don't like the dirty do.

You guys have been so great I wanted to give you another update.

And, someone requested I do a list of who's who so...







I think that's everyone.. OKAY! Enjoy the smut <3

Sunday 9:05 p.m.

Remus sits cross-legged in the back seat of Marlene's car and plays Animal Crossing while Alice, Frank, Ally, and Mar all sing passionately along to Panic! At the Disco.

"I can't believe I'm actually hanging out with my ship," Ally says before snapping a selfie to post on Tumblr with the caption 'dreams do come true.'

"I can't believe this asshole hasn't moved out of my town yet. I DON'T LIKE YOU, WART JUNIOR!"

Alice nudges Remus. "Calm down, dude. It's just a game."

"To you it is, but this is my life."

"That's really sad."

"Shut up, Frank. Go make out with your girlfriend or whatever you heteros do."

"Harsh. I hope Wart stays in your town forever."

They arrive at the Potter's, and Remus, with a heavy heart, shuts off his DS. Everyone is already out the car, not waiting for Remus' game to save, so no one sees Sirius pop out of nowhere and press Remus against the tiny vehicle door.

"Happy birthday," Sirius murmurs against Remus' lips before they collide in a passionate kiss. Sirius' naughty hands slide down from Remus' waist to cup his bum. "You have a nice ass."

"Well hello to you too," Remus breathes out surprised as he takes the moment to admire Sirius' flawless body. His attention is first on the low swim trunks that display a happy trail that leads to a very happy place. Next his eyes travel up Sirius' perfectly chiseled chest, passed the sharp jaw, to the hair tied back in a ponytail.

"Like what you see?" Sirius purrs before dipping back in for another kiss, this one being sweeter than the last. "Happy birthday."

"You've already said that." Remus glances around Sirius' head. "Shouldn't we get to the party?"

"Yeah! You need to get drunk!"

Remus laughs. "I'm not getting drunk."

"Suit yourself." Sirius kisses Remus once more. "Hey, you're wearing my shirt."

"Yeah, I am." Remus is, in fact, wearing Sirius' black tee shirt with the sleeves rolled up. It matches nicely with his orange swim trunks, decorated with tiny white whales.

"That's hot. You're hot. Let's go drink."

"Are you already drunk?" Remus laughs as Sirius pulls him into the house by his waist.


"You sure?"

"Trust me, you'll know when I'm drunk."

The inside of the house is totally unrecognizable. All of the breakables and paintings have been stored away to avoid damage. Multicolored lights swirl around the room as music is playing at full blast. People are crammed in every inch of the house, talking, dancing, or making out. Between the music and everyone's conversations, Remus can hardly hear Sirius rambling.

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