39- a lie

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"N-no..! It couldn't have been me!" I cried. I felt the fur on the back of my shoulders stand up.

Chica poked her head in the room.

"Say WHAAAAA!?" she said.

"That's not blood, Freddy!" Bonnie said.

"What is it, then?" I asked.

"It's just rust! That means you're old!" He laughed.

I felt my wire whiskers twitch, meaning I was angry.

"Shut up! At least I'm not as old as Fredbear!" I boomed.

Everyone in the room gasped like a room of first graders when someone says "stupid".

Goldie came out.

"What'd y'all say 'bout me!?" he roared.

"Goldie..!? YOURE Fredbear!?" I asked.

"Yes, y'idiots! I AM Fredbear!" He said, angrily.

"I'm sorry if I woke you." I said.

I thought to myself. How the hell did I remember Fredbear's family diner..? I wasn't even built before than. That had to be one of Goldie's memories. but, the sharp teeth I had under the not so sharp ones. They originally gave me sharp teeth, me being a bear I believe, but, they replaced those, because, they didn't want to risk the bite of 1987 happening again. But, I remembered one of GOLDIE'S memories! HOW!?

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