Later that night...

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I stood awake, the only one out of sleep mode... I looked around, to see Bonnie and Chica standing right next to me. More than likely in sleep mode. Even though, I'm an animatronic, I've been having bad dreams. Like most humans are to care, I bet not. really got me...I knew well in the scenario what in the bloody,blue heck was going on. Because, in a situation where my replacement is about only three inches away from my face. His left, razor-sharp clawed paw (hand) about to strike, to violently rip off my face... But! Then it happened; Bonnie, without any cue, jumped right in between us, and, his face was violently ripped off! I looked, oil came to my eyes.
"...Replacement, GET THE HELL OUTTA HERE! NOW!" I yelled.

"Why should I!? That means two faces to gut!" the replacement growled. I balled up, hiding my face.

"N-n-n-no, y-y-you a-a-already d-d-d-done enough..." Bonnie weakly said.

The replacement looked at the remaining lights of the endoskeleton's used to be eyes, as, they turned blue, meaning sorrow.

The replacement shot us the middle finger, and left.

I woke up, suddenly, looking around. I looked at Bonnie.
I felt a drop of oil run down my face.
"Whew...It was just a dream." I said.

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