Peter (Mister SICKO)

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Peter more than likely died in prison. Maybe, like another prisoner, was given the electric chair, or the gas chamber. But, he was quite a monster. He slaughtered five children, in front of my face. I Never wanted to get stuffed, especially by the victims of this foul act. I was afraid that Mike would snitch us off, and get us decommissioned. But, I took my bravery up, and confessed it.

"Peter L. Kingston." I said after swallowing hard.

Mike's face grew so stern, it made me start to leak oil, the fur on my back stood up on end.

"Who is he..?!" he asked me.

I gave a slow sigh. "He is the person who killed those five children..." I quit talking, I found I'd begun to cry... Chica wiped the oil from my eyes.

"Why are you crying..?" mike asked.

Bonnie confessed.

"He stuffed us with the dead bodies..! Please don't snitch us off, and get us decomissioned..! PLEASE..!" he cried.

Mike's POV:

I knew that bear was afraid. Anyone would be if someone threatened their life. But, I'd never seen it so extreme, that he'd began to cry. I HAVE in FACT heard the name "Peter L. KIngston" going around with negative attention. Many claimed he was just a mere petty theif, others stated he slapped kids, but, it was to a whole new level of child-hatred. MASS MURDER. Freddy told me so much. About what had happened, why, and when.

my POV:

I explained everything to Mike that night. It was hard to say it all without crying like a baby, or, breaking down onto the floor, or without sweating out all of my fuel. I'll more than likely explain it all on the next part, because there is SO MUCH I need to confess about the missing children.

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