The Pains

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The hardest time we had to go through, was dealing with meaner kids. And, that's when IT happened.A kid (no older than 14) decided it'd be funny if he threw a stress magnet at the stage. I had no clue the dead centre of me was magnetic! It was about to hit Chica in the face, but, breaking the program, I lunged in front of her, taking the hit!
The magnet went right trough my cover, and clung to the heart of my Endoskeleton.
It burst an oil valve, after so much pressure.
The kids dashed out the door, screaming.
I was losing oil, fast. It was like a torn heart valve, but, I was a robot. But, the mechanic didn't get here in time.
I was already weakened from the loss of fuel (in sense, similar to one's blood.)
All I could hear were the unlegibile voices, of either the manager, my friends, and, the Mechanic, Joe.
I had no clue what was going on, my eyes weren't working.
I could feel someone reaching their hand into the hole. I snapped my mouth shut, holding in a scream.
I could make out what Bonnie was saying, because he was yelling.
"You could've switched him off before!"
I couldn't help it, it was hurting me..! I let out a howl, in pain..
"Told you!" Bonnie snapped.
I began crying.
"Urrrgghhh!!! Make it stop!" I screamed.
The mechanic looked at me.
"It ddoesn't matter how much agony you suffer, you're just a robot." the mechanic said.
He removed the magnet, and replaced the oil valve. And, then, he left. But, it made us sad after we got bad news.

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