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It was a very late night. After all that spirit had done, he still saved me!

That angry spirit was so angry with me, he locked me in the kitchen, and set it on fire! ...The others didn't hear me yell, or, did any sprinklers go off, because, there were none, being as poor as we were.
I dropped onto my knees, crying for help.

Mike's POV: I heard what sounded like a horrified scream. Almost like someone had been trapped, and was about to die. Until, I recognized that voice. It sounded a bit of that bounced voice, but, in this situation, he sounded rather more glitched. It was in fact Freddy. But, why would Freddy be yelling like that..? It sounded like he was so scared, or something. What does he have to worry about!? ...Until, I saw glowing, orange flames, erupting from the kitchen. And, to my surprise, Freddy was in the corner, as scared as hell. I saw why! He was trapped, in a burning kitchen. Though, he might've attacked me... I actually pitied the poor bear. Like, of a normal person, they'd be terrified if they were trapped in a fire. He felt the same way. I got the extinguisher, and put the fire out. I saw he was afraid. Paws (hands) over his eyes. I came closer.

"It's okay, the fire's out. You're safe."

His eyes stared right into mine. I was nervous, but, he wasn't mad! ...He actually looked hurt...

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