The Plans

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We suffered greatly after... More of the meaner ones came, and, they tormented us all. We were sad... Toddlers grew more aggressive. I wanted them to be nicer. But, that was a long shot. It was near impossible to keep away from being harmed.
Some actually thought is was funny, but that was WRONG! How would anybody feel if you were taunted by your customers, or, if management didn't understand your needs!? sounds terrible, right? Exactly.

We were alleviating the pain, by playing cards the next night. The nightwatch was fast asleep, in chair, paper on his face. So, yeah, we were being good animatronics, so, we wouldn't get shut down!
...But, that doesn't mean that we neglected to mess with Mike.
I taped a paper that says "ID10T" on it. Bonnie even put self-inflating whoopee cushions under the doors, and, we even messed with the radio, so, it only played those girly, annoying songs.
And, we also messed him with the cameras, or near the doors. We never did attack, but, for one reason; We were already in big trouble about the bite of 87, and, we didn't want to shut the place down! ...But... eventually, we were getting more aggressive with it.

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