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I was right! There was something wrong! Nobody was aware, but, eventually, it grew bad..! It was even scaring ME! The night watches shunned us... and it was my fault for letting it take over. I just wanted to be his friend, but, no, that angry ghost had to go, and kill many night guards. I often found myself, beating myself up, often... I hated myself. Bonnie, Chica and Foxy all were mad at me. But, that angry ghost left them death threats, forcing them after the night watch.

...The ghost possessing me...I recognized him... he was a regular customer. His name was James Parker. He was a higher league kid, and the best at hide and seek. He was actually a bit of a bully, and got revenge for anything. Bonnie had a more light spirited child's soul. He loved to play, thus, his playful and sweetness combined, gives us the really energetic Bonnie.
Chica also had a nicer soul enter. She was a more slower soul, and did things slowly, without haste.

Foxy's spirit was more ambitious, but, he was kind. Never did he want to cause harm. He is more of the one who barges in and says "S'up, bros!?" The others' ghosts actually got along... except mine. Mine hated how I didn't rule with the iron paw, and thought I wasted opportunity. I let my friends be themselves, to lead to a happy life. But, that soul really hurt me..! And, I could barely bring my thumbs to the touch screen without adding another scar to my face... And, it never let me go. It controlled everything I did..! (Help me..!)

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