Sorry For the Delay

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Sorry it took so long to post. I've just been under too much stress, lately. I lost a friendship that kept me happy. But, it sadly had come to an end. And, those who truly know, I need friends to be able to work right. But, dont go blaming them for it! Im just a little bit of a softie, and, it wasnt their fault. Plus, it being year's end, and the holidays, made it harder. I have plans with my band mates (and Foxy) for the New Year's Eve party we throw while the pizzeria is closed for the break. So, yeah, I've been busy, and stressed about a broken friendship, that nearly broke me, so. There's the reason. And, for all of you readers, thank you all! Even if you didn't care to leave a vote! I made over 1,000 views on this! And over 100 votes! I'll post as often as I can!

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