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Later after the funerals

Shawn, Sonic, and Manic went to Team Manics place. He sees the missing poster with his sisters picture on it. Sonic thought to himself, "Where is she? This isn't like her to disappear without a trace." Once they arrived, Sonic entered Team Manics place as he sighed. Shawn hung his jacket and said, "Try to  sit down kid. You had a rough day." Then Shawn walked to the kitchen as Sonic sat down on the couch, trying to take his mind off of what happened. But the flashbacks in his head keep him from relaxing. Manic sat down and said, "You okay?" Sonic sighed and answered, "Not really. I can't get this whole incident out of my head. My only question is; how are we going to find this Tails imposter?" Manic then said, "I dunno but we'll have Boomer find him along side us." Sonic asked with a raised brow, "Hey where is Boomer anyway?" Manic looked around and said, "You know now that you mention it he wasn't with us at Tails, Knuckles, and Shadows funeral." Shawn butted in as he walked in on them, "Maybe he's in his lab." Thats when the three stood up and walked downstairs to Boomers lab. Once they got down to the lab they were shock to see two of them. Shawn asked, "Boomer have you been messing with your own clone machine again??" Boomer then answered, "No. this guys from another dimension but unlike that 'Tails' imposter. He's a good guy." Manic and Sonic said in shock, "What?!" Thats when S.V.B. introduced himself, "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Sane-Vision-Boomer or S.V.B. for short." Shawn asked him, "You knew about that fake Tails?" S.V.B. answered him calmly, "That fake Tails you call is actually Secret-History-Tails. He maybe a harmless, kind, and supportive on the outside when he pretends to be your tails but on the inside he is nothing but a monster, he is also an obsessive and delusional maniac who murders anyone he becomes friends with. Some of the good guys and I have been tracking him down for days. I was sent here by my boss to stop him. I haft to undo what he did. I was able to save a few of his victims use my power to save them. That includes you, Sonic." Thats when Sonic said to him, "I appreciate that." S.V.B. replied, "I know you do. But unfortunately the only thing I cannot undo is Amy. Secret-History-Tails really wanted her for himself. He tricked her into thinking he can take her to another Sonic. Your two friends and parents were not the first. A few others have fallen into his wrath." Sonic asked shakily, "D-does that include...?" S.V.B. nodded and said, "Afraid so. He tackled her after she got out of the mall. I encountered my other self here and told him everything." Sonic muttered sadly, "Oh no..." shaking in fear he cried on his brothers chest. Shawn asked, "Is that the worst part??" Boomer shook his head and said, "Nope. That's not the worst part. The worst part is that insane fox is causing a possible zombie apocalypse." Sonic and Manic asked shakily, "Wh-when's that gonna happen??" S.V.B. answered, "tomorrow when the rain hits. At the stroke of 6:00 PM." The group gasped in horror. Manic then said in anger, "That sick dude really did more damage than we thought." S.V.B. said to them, "I'll say. My boss told us all that we stop at nothing to capture him and bring justice to those he hurt. Includes the victims he's tortured, Kidnapped, experiment in a sick way, stalked, mutilated, brainwashing and murder. That psychotic fox is gonna be locked away for eternity if he survives after my boss is threw with him." Sonic asked, "Who is you boss?" S.B.V. answered him, "Thats not important. But if he comes back we'll be ready for him. We may need your help as well." Sonic replied to him, "Yeah and fast. He must be stopped." Boomer then said to them, "Sonic be on your guard in case Amy sees your still alive but listen the next time she tries to kill you again Manic will hurt her badly." Sonic scratched his head and said, "Okay..?" The group went back upstairs. Once it was seen it was getting late both the hedgehog brothers had to stay in the same room. So Sonic would be safe with Manic.

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