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Outside was a nightmare, zombies were walking around, while looking for flesh to dine on, even some fresh flesh. It had been weeks since the zombie apocalypse started. Sonic and the others were for a few things, 1. Getting some much needed supplies for the survivors of the apocalypse in their much needed shelter, 2. On the search for any other survivors, 3. Trying to stay alive, and 4. Kicking zombie butt. They listen to a surviving newscaster (who is in the outskirts of town) on the radio or tv. They never thought there's hope. Until one day.

The group was listening to the newscaster said, "We have entered our 9'th week of the zombie apocalypse. And it's been weeks since Jasmine Fox 'one of our own colleagues along 8 other of our colleagues' have been turned into the undead. It's a miracle that some of us are still alive. I'm Rebecca Raccoon and stay tune for this important update." S.V.B. felt disgusted by what Secret-History-Tails doing as he said, "Everything is all Secret-History-Tails fault. Its all that crazy ass bastards fault." Sonic agreed as he said, "I'll say. That sick-ass fuck killed my friends, caused this zombie apocalypse, fucked up every dimension he was in, and turned Amy into a freak! This all cause he wanted Amy!" Sonic heavily breathed as Boomer said in concern, "Look me and the other me are working on a vaccine to turn people normal. Sadly a week ago Eggman didn't stand a chance. We didn't have a choice but to have help from him but we were too late. We had to blow his brains out before he can get infected." Manic said in a scared and angered tone, "Sadly?! Boomer he deserved it for all the trouble he caused and he deserved to have his brains blown out for trying to destroy Sonic." Shawn said with his cold tone, "I'm with him, Eggman causing trouble was bad enough here, now we gotta deal with ghoulish zombies out there, an insane ass fox from another dimension, and possibly a sexy but insane bitch who use to be Amy Rose." Sonic asked, "Did you just call Amy Sexy?" Shawn answered with a flat tone, "I never do. Besides I seen some men whistling at the wanted posters." Sonic looks at the time and said, "Hey guys? We better get going and get some supplies for the survivors." Manic said to Shawn, "Sonics right dude. Let's go." Boomer then said to them, "You guys go on. I'll stay with the other me to find a vaccine for the zombie apocalypse." The group then walked out but that's when Boomer remembered something and shouted to them, "Oh! Just a moment guys! If you see any zombies around you may want to catch one so we can test out the vaccines! Once it's finished!"


Once they stopped at  location to drop the supplies to the first group of survivors, Sonic looked around for around the empty and abandoned streets while walking. That's when he heard a thud 'which made him jump.'. Sonic asked loudly as he walked around, "H-hello? W-who's there?" He looked to see nothing but he felt like someone or something was watching his every move and stalking him. Sonic looked around in fright again. He heard a low, inhuman growl. Sonic gasped just after he heard another thud. He then stopped as something suddenly jumped in front of him. It was a zombie 'which was a brown and rotting echidna'. Obviously male, the flesh on his hands were already rotten to the bloody, it's chest revealed a few of his ribs and internal organs, it's feet were revealing a little bit of bone, and his head was half blown off. Sonic was paralyzed as the zombie groaned loudly and angrily as it rushed to him. The blue hedgehog raised his arms and closed his eyes. He shook when he opened his eyes to see the zombie was captured. Shawn was behind the trapped zombie as he asked, "You okay kid?" Sonic nodded slowly. Shawn then said, "Come on. Let's get this zombie in the truck." Sonic replied, "Yeah." Thats when they carried the zombie into the truck without getting bitten or scratched.

Sonknux: Caring for a ZombieWhere stories live. Discover now