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Sonic fell on his knees as he felt Knuckles heartbeat. Sonic sighed in relief. But his relief was short lived when Amy stood up and said, "Uuuhghh. You are really stubborn Sonic. You were supposed to be mine yet you chose Knuckles over me! ME! I was supposed to be yours!! Sonic The Hedgehog!! You will be mine whether you or no..." she trailed off as she was hit from the back of the head. Amy fell on her stomach. Sonic sees it was Manic 'who grabbed her spare hammer and made it just in time to save his brother." Manic said as he glared at her, "Don't touch my baby brother bitch." Sonic said as he stood up, "Manic. Glad you made it." Manic then explained, "I heard you scream from a few blocks, so I came here as fast as I can. Though I kinda lost Shawn." Amy growled but before she can get up and try to attack, Manic spot the cops and shouted, "HEY OVER HERE!!" The cops 'who were happy to be back' as Sydney came to see what's left of her her co workers alive and well. The cops see Amy on the ground before they rushed. Amy pushed Manic on the ground as Sonic rushed to him. But Amy was stopped as the cops said, "FREEZE!!" A few of the cops grabbed her and cuffed her while Amy struggled. Sydney said as she glared at her, "Amy Rose, you are under arrest for attempted murder and voluntary witness of illegal plastic surgery. The public 'who were happy that they weren't zombies anymore and half of the survivors came out of their hiding places' were surprised to see Any arrested. But they were surprised that she was different from before 'just like on the wanted poster'. Even Sticks and Cream were shocked at the sight. The cops took her away as Sydney called for a police care from one of her surviving co workers. One of the cops said as Amy resisted arrest, "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against you. You have a right to an attorney. If you can't afford an attorney, one will be provided." The second cop said in a teasing tone, "It depends if she'll get one. If she wasn't so ugly." Sydney groaned and said, "The world just got back to normal and your picking a time to joke?" Once a police car arrived, they placed Amy in it as Sydney said sternly, "Do not make it worst Ms. Rose. Resisting arrest will not fix anything." Sonic and Manic felt proud as Manic said, "She won't be hurting or bother you anymore little brother." Sonic smiled but then the two of them forgot one more thing as they ran off.


Secret-History-Tails looked around before he heard a voice said, "Going somewhere you murderer?" The insane fox sees Sane-Vision-Boomer in shock. Secret-History-Tails said as he growled, "You! I thought that sack of shit in quills was still alive somehow." Sane-Vision-Boomer then said, "Your so called search for the 'real Sonic' and Amy ends now! Secret-History-Tails there's nowhere to go!" Secret-History-Tails then yelled, "YOU MEDDLING AGENT OF EVOLUTION!! YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!!" Thats when he sees Sonic, Manic, Shawn, and Boomer glaring at him. Knowing he is in big trouble he composed himself and acted like 'Tails' and said, "I mean. Sonic. Your okay. I can't believe it!" Sonic then said in a stern glare, "You can cut the act now, Secret-History-Tails. Sane-Vision-Boomer told us everything. You actually think I'm your best friend? Think again you bastard!" Secret-History-Tails wasn't too pleased as he said, "Figures I be found out. Didn't think this agent of D.E.P. would tell you faker!" Sonic was insulted and said, "Nobody calls me a 'faker' than Shadow the Faker himself!! Your the faker! You killed my real best friend who is like a little brother to me! You killed our parents!! You also killed my other friends and other people from other dimensions!" Secret-History-Tails growled. Sane-Vision-Boomer then said, "A crook like you won't get away this time!" Secret-History-Tails then said, "Blah! Blah! Blah! I will escape again!" Before he can teleport, a few of Sane-Vision-Boomers co workers 'who looked a lot like Sonic, Manic, and Sonia' appeared out of nowhere and blocked him as one of them said, "I don't think so Secret-History-Tails!" The insane fox tried to go the other way but more of Sane-Vision-Boomers co workers blocked the way. He tried to go another way but five more of S.V.B.'s co workers and his boss 'that bored so much resemblance of Cosmo The Seedrian but with long hair, lilies on her head, and in a aqua and lake foam green colors' appeared. Secret-History-Tails shouted, "NNOO!!" Thats when Sonic spindashed him down and said, "Thats for murdering Tails you bastard!" He tried to get up but then he got punched by the hedgehog brothers as they said, "This is for our parents!" Sonic then said as he stomped on him, "That is for lying to me and Amy while you turned her into a freak!" Thats when Boomer, Shawn, Sonic, and Manic said as they attacked Secret-History-Tails, "THIS IS FOR EVERYONE YOU MURDERED YOU SICK AND TWISTED FUCK!" Once they stopped attacking. One of S.V.B. workers 'that bored little resemblance to Espio The chameleon' said as he cuffed the insane fox 'with indestructible electric handcuffs', "Secret-History-Tails you are under arrest for murder, torture, kidnapping, unethical experimentations, stalking, mutilation, identity theft, conspiracy
psychological, emotional abuse, brainwashing,
Assault, battery, and performing illegal plastic surgery. Anything you say will be used against you. All the trouble you caused will be undone. You will be judged severely." S.V.B.'s boss then said as she smiled, "Sane-Vision Boomer, we finally caught Secret-History-Tails. Great job." S.V.B. smiled and said, "Thanks Cosmic. But I had help from the me in this dimension and his friends. I couldn't have caught Secret-History-Tails without him." Cosmic nodded in an understanding manner as she said to Sonic and Team Manic, "Thank you so much for your help." Sonic replied as Secret-History-Tails was placed into a indestructible looking bubble, "Its no problem. What Secret-History-Tails was not acceptable. It was the least we can do." Thats when the D.E.P. opened a portal to their dimension as they walked back to their world as one of them pushed Secret-History-Tails through the portal. S.V.B. turn to them and said, "Thank you everyone. I'm glad to have run into you all of you. Sayonara Team Manic and Sonic The Hedgehog." S.V.B. entered the portal last as the four waved goodbye. The portal closed as Shawn said, "This is one hell of a adventure." Sonic then remembered Knuckles before he sped off.

<a short while later>

Sonic stopped and kneeled down towards the still unconscious Knuckles. He sighed before he heard Knuckles groaned. Sonic gasped as Knuckles opened his eyes to see the blue hedgehog. Knuckles then said, "H-Hey Sonic..." Sonic replied in tears, "Knux.." Thats when Knuckles sighed and said, "Guess I did win your heart didn't I?" Sonic gasped and hugged Knuckles as he said, "You did. Knuckles? I love you. My Angel." Knuckles kissed his cheek and said, "I love you too my carefree hero."

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