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Grian was asleep again, curled up in the bed with a stuffed bear slotted between his arms. He looked so peaceful and innocent-Two things he very clearly wasn't.

"So he's a handful?"

"Yeah...only really spoke with him for a few hours but he's...he's a different breed i supposed" Ren chuckled, looking at his Admin as he ran his hands through a different males hair.

He had a boy sat on his lap, half asleep with his head on Rens chest, listening to the two talk amongst themselves. He wasn't actually sure what was being spoken, he just liked the sounds of their voices.

"I mean... understandable. I'd assume something happened at young for him to be kicked off of so many servers within so little time. I do like the idea of using his wings as a reward system. From what you've spoken of, I'd guess he likes his praise and getting rewards for being good so we'll play off that. Wouldn't be the first time"

Ren chuckled "Yeah, you used this specific technique on Doc"

Doc...another hermit. He is known for his redstone, deep German voice and his sadistic ways of fun. Though when he was younger and first joined the server he was a very out of control animal. He was angry constently, he hurt people, he had almost a thirst for blood what made the Admin nervous to have him on the server.

But with a very sever reward/Punishment system, Doc was controlled and helped. The system is still in place as a precision, and Doc is okay with that. He still gets his rewards for being a good hermit, though every so often he gets his 'toys' (redstone machines) taken from him due to him being to dangerous. He'd get them back when he was good.

Many hermits had things in place like the reward Punishment system. None as sever as Doc though....well maybe not anymore. Grian was proving to be a difficult breed so...


The admin looked at Ren

"You okay? You just kinda went quiet and started looking through me rather than at me"

X chuckled "Yeah sorry...I've just been thinking what we could do to get Grian to behave. I mean maybe we could go in with food and let him eat it after he tells us one fact about himself? That could be shown as the beginning reward system. And if he really doesn't want to...well he'll have to go hungry won't he"

Ren nodded 'damn' he thought to himself.

"I'm going to go check up on him...your little pet is half asleep. Maybe you should deal with that." X sniggered "Bye bye Bubbles" he waved, getting a small wave back before the admin flew off, pulling at a rocket to gain hight.

X landed outside Area 77 (The hermits had created a version of area 77 in each world due to them having so many unstable beings brought over so often) and groaned quietly to himself. He walked past the barriers and began to go to a overhang. He had decided to let the boys of area 77 +Con corp workers, to keep a hold of Grian until they can began to help him calm down and not break everything, or until he traumatizes himself accidentally. Both things were fine.

He heard a loud growl and then a large bang, making his eye wince. X didn't have time for this, yet he found himself walking to the noise of destruction.

As he walked closer to it, he could figure out that it wasn't just growling and loud, angry yelling. Though not English, it was German. Meaning he knew exactly who was around.

" okay?" X called, soothing his voice. He knew full well if he called regularly, doc could go agro on him. Depending on what head space the man was in.

He walked into the room and sighed quietly. Ripped blueprints, deep claw marks into the walls, broken equipment. Either Doc was fighting a werewolf, or he was dealing with a major breakdown though not being able to do something

"Doc?...I'm gonna get Keralis and Bdubs okay? You okay to be left alo-Ah!?"X felt arms around his waist and a head press against his shoulder

"don't....leave me alone"

The admins heart could have shattered then and there. Docs voice cracked when he spoke, his arms were shaking. Usually doc was calm snd collective but clearly, he wasn't doing okay.

X nodded and grabbed his communicator "I'll text them okay? You're doing so well, I'm so proud you didn't leave and hurt anyone. So proud" there was no need for X to take something from him or punish him in some way as it wasn't Docs fault. He as struggling though his emotions, he couldn't understand what he was feeking and acted out in the only way he could...anger.

Whilst he messaged the two, Doc nuzzled closer, his body falling ever so slightly more limp. Not enough for him to collapse, just enough that X could feel his body weight agaisnt his own.


X swollowed and turned his head "Do you need medical help? Are we talking for your head and the way you're acting or did you hurt yourself?"


"Okay buddy, I'll ask Keralis to bring some medical stuff yeah?" He finished messaging the males and stuffed his communicator back into his pocket

"How about we go to a bed, I'll take ny armour and I can pet you yeah?" Even though Doc was more mature than most, and scarier, he still had issues with his emotions and feelings.

Doc quite often acted like a pet when he was dealing with his emotions. If he ever wanted affection, he'd go to whoever was around and follow them until they either noticed or left. Though when he was finally noticed, the hermits never minded spending the rest of they day with him. It never happened often though. It was once every few months or so.

The German nodded, moving back slightly, though he grabbed X's wrist tightly so he wouldn't go anywhere.

"I'm not going anywhere you want to help get my armour off?"

Doc nodded and the two got quick work to his armour before holding him close again. X looked up at the rather tall German man and smiled "I hear rockets so one of the two should be here...or both. I do need to talk to Cub and Scar about our little new comer, Grian, but I'll stay for an hour okay? Grians asleep anyway"

"Okay...but you'll stay right" he placed his chin on X's head as the admin nodded again.

"Yes... I'll stay"

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