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Amity opened her eyes.

"Ah, 6am, the PERFECT time to wake up."

Hexside highschool did start early, but Amity probably didn't need to get up this early. Her mother liked her to get up early, Because if she didn't get to school on time she would be; "'Disregarding the Blight name.'"

As she stumbled out of bed, she thought for about the millionth time who she was dreaming about. Sure, it sounded weird, but it really wasn't... Was it? Every morning she woke up with a sense of comfort. And every night, she dreamed of the same person. She never saw them, but their touch was soothing, and warm. Never heard their voice, yet Calming nothings were whispered to her. But it was probably Amity's imagination.


Luz centred thing:

Luz jumped out of bed.

"Another day!"

She practically ran downstairs, having already gotten dressed. Her first day at hexside. Her first day at HEXSIDE. She already knew two people. Gus, and Willow. She'd vaguely heard about others, such as some girl named Boscha, and some Pretty mean girl called Amity. Well, Amity wasn't mean, she was... Distant? From what Willow and Gus had to say. She had been Willows friend, from what Luz knew, Willow didn't want to talk about it. Luz didn't want to push her out of her comfort zone, but her senses were tingling with her Backstory-dar. It was like the Gaydar, but... Backstory? But anyways. Luz gulped down a small helping of... Something. Eda made it. It was surprisingly good.

"Kid! You forgot your bag."

"Oops! Thanks Eda!"

"You sure you don't want me to bring you to Hexside?"

"Yeah! I've got friends!"

Eda looked like she wanted to retort something quite cheeky and Snide, but restrained herself.

"Bye Luz!"

King stood up, demanding either a hug, or to Strangle Luz. They werent THAT different.

Luz picked the demon up and hugged him.

"¡Nos vemos luego, pequeña bola de pelusa!"

"I'm gonna pretend I know what that means!"

"Bye Eda, See you King!"

And with that, Luz practically raced out the door, bag in hand.


Amity centred thing:

Amity walked into Hexside. Boscha soon joined her, Skara walking behind, as usual. Amity didn't particularly need her friends, but her mother insisted that they were essential.


Amity turned her head. "Yes?"

"I asked if you had anyone to go to Grom with?"

"Oh." Amity thought for a second. "No."

Boscha looked like she was about to offer. So naturally, Amity panicked.

"I- I don't think I'm going to go this year."


"Thats right. I don't need to go, do I? And its not like I have anyone to go with."

"Dude, you've got half the school pining for you. You could pull anyone." Skara spoke for the first, and possibly last time that day. Skara didn't speak much, and Amity respected that.

"Yeah. I mean- Like 'the one' I guess. I don't really want to go with anyone-"

Amity's eyes had locked onto a girl. She was talking to Willow, and she was definitely new.

"Who's that?" Amity asked Boscha. If anyone would know, it'd probably be Boscha.

"Oh. She's the new human girl. Friends with Willow and Gus."

Willow. Amity sighed softly, as was her reaction to Willow these days. Willow had been her close friend and then-

"No. Don't think about her."

It would only get Amity down. She needed to move on. She stopped and studied the Human closely (closetedly), and then moved on quickly. The human didn't look bad, In fact Amity would call her... Pretty? Amity narrowed her eyes. It didn't matter what she thought. They probably wouldn't talk at all. 

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