Hot Chocolate eyes

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(Third person again because im not trying at this point)

Amity was being hugged in this dream. The person was just hugging her. It felt so comfortable in this persons arms. Amity felt safe. It didn't show often, but she was usually nervous at any given moment of the day. But it felt like nothing in the world could hurt her in this persons arms. They suddenly pulled back, and Amity looked at their face. They had eyes now. Hot chocolate. Luz.

Amity's eyes stretched open wide. She subsequently groaned into her pillow. This would probably end in disaster. 

Time skip brought to you by The king of demons (King get off the fridge)

Luz pov (Yes it is):

A.N.: This Luz pov will have mentions of death. Mostly stuff like what happened in Reaching out. This was hard to write for a multitude of reasons.

I've just rolled out of bed. This might be the worst thing ever.

I groaned, as it was a Saturday, and I didn't even need to wake up this Early today. Eda was probably still asleep, and King was at my feet. Well, I couldn't exactly move now. I might wake King. Luckily his eyes popped open just then.

"Hi Luz!"

"Hey King. Did I wake the little floof?"

"Nope! I've been up for hours."

"King. Its 6 am."

"Your point being?"


My phone buzzed. I immediately pulled it out. It was my mom.

Mami: Hola cariño, te echaré de menos hoy en el cementerio. Sé que dijiste que estarías bien en el campamento, pero estoy aquí si necesitas volver a casa.

My Eyes widened. It was today. Guilt overwhelmed me. How could I forget? I typed a message, Deleted it, Typed again, Deleted again. What was I supposed to say? "Actually Mom, I'm in the demon realm, I think I might like this one girl, I forgot about the anniversary because I'm stupid, and I'm really confused and not completely okay right now!"

I deleted that massage too. Suddenly, Amity had messaged me.

Amity: Hi luz i was wondering if you wanted to go out somewhere today

Luz: uh sure why not you have anywhere in mind

Amity: theres a carnival in town

Luz: Sounds great!

Amity: you used punctuation should i be worried

Luz: no no dont worry

Amity: okay then ill be at the owl house at 9?

Luz: oke

I sighed. Today was going to be a hard day, But if I distracted myself, It might get better. I could be happy. I need to be Happy.


I was tapping my foot on the ground and fidgeting nervously, trying to distract myself. Amity would be here any minute. 

(Sorry for the short chapter ppl)

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