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I am feeling like a distinguished gentlebean today. TWO CHAPTERS. I AM ON FIRE. Literally. I burned myself today while making breakfast :p rip my finger i had to write with basically one hand-

Amity Pov:

She... wasn't? Well that hurts. That hurts a lot actually. Frick. Don't cry. I try to smile. My face is numb, I can't tell if it works. It must've been a pitiful attempt, since Luz immediately says in apology;

"Oh Jeez. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have just blurted that out- I just-" Her sentence breaks off.

"Its- It's fine!" My voice squeaks, obviously confirming that it is not in fact fine.

"No. No it's not. C'mon, lets sit somewhere." I can't really feel Luz guiding me towards a fallen log. The same place we kissed. Its painful. But I let her pull me towards it. We sit down, and she guides my head to lean against her shoulder. I flinch as it touches her, and jerk my head up, and stand

"Luz stop."

"What? Stop what?"

"You just told me you lied to my face, said you loved me, and now you seriously expect me to be fine with being in the same place we kissed, let alone around you?" The words come out harsher than intended, and it becomes clear in the way Luz reacts. No anger, no yelling. Her eyes just fill with tears. She desperately tries to Stop crying.

"No no, Luz I'm sorry-"

"No It's my fault. I wasn't paying attention-"

I sit back down, and rub her back awkwardly. She sniffles softly.

"I'm sorry Amity, I don't know why I'm crying-"

"Its fine."

"Is it okay if I..." She mimics resting her head on my shoulder.

"Oh- sure."

And we sit like that.

"I'm sorry Amity. I didn't mean to lie to you. I thought it would be easier for you to move on."

"Luz, I'm mostly just glad you finally told the truth, and that we're friends again."

"Yeah." She smiles weakly, and says, "Lumity against the world." (The amphibia is strong here)


"Yeah! Our friendship name!"

"Sounds nice..."

"Yeah, of course, just like us!"

I laugh. "Luz I'm not THAT nice of a person."

"Please elaborate, and while you're at it, I've been dying to know what went on between you and Willow."

"Oh! You want to know the whole story?"

(Amity proceeds to feed Luz backstory)

Timeskip until backstory has ended:

"And thats how I met your mother."

"What?" I turn my head rapidly.

"Oh It's just a meme!"

"A... meh-me?"

"Yeah! It's usually a funny image with a caption!"

I gaze at Luz as she pulls out her phone, explaining what a 'Meme' is. She really is beautiful. Even if we have our ups and downs, lefts and rights, I really hope we'll always be friends.

(Okay but that would've been a GOOD ending sentence. Don't worry, its not the end, but the ending sentence for this story will be 10x better i promise.)

Timeskip with luz pov:

Its the weekend. Yay! I've been hanging out with Amity more recently. Its fun. She's fun.

"Hey kid!"

"Yeah Eda?"

"You going out with your girlfriend today?"

"N- We're not dating!"

"Well you're more oblivious than I thought. It's obvious you like her, and she already confessed for Titans sake."

"Wait- How'd you know about that?"

"Found-Family trope, we get around."

"Okayyyyyy... But I don't have a crush on Amity."

"Really? You blush whenever you see her, you've ranted in Spanish enough about her to know you feel either nervous or some very strong emotions while talking about her. You're also a Bisexual."

I glance at Eda, my face heating up. I don't usually realize when I slip into Spanish. Its not my fault. But why AM I slipping into Spanish? Its true, I do that when I'm nervous, or feeling a strong emotion. But what emotion is it?

A thought pops into my head.

Its love.


Okay okay its short. But it took a long time to write, and I felt like it needed to get out there. Did you know that two years ago, i had trouble writing a short story? That had to be 600-1000 words long? I write CHAPTERS that long now. Practice truly makes better (because perfection is a lie)

Love you ❤️


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