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So the chapter was finished before i expected, so here-

Amity drew in a deep breath.

"Yes. Luz, I'm a lesbian."

"Ooh." I wasn't sure what to say at that. First, I might have a shot, Two, cool.

"Im- Uh- Bi- Bisexual." I wasn't exactly sure why I was stuttering, but I was.

There was a long silence.

"So... Thats the end of Truth Or dare?"

"I guess so."

Amity was looking at me quizzically.

"What do you want to do?" She asked me.

"Oh! I dunno." I really had no idea. For some reason I got that way around Amity. Forget how to socialize properly.

"Well, There is a cool beach we could go to. If you want to that is."


Time skip brought to you by; "Oh... Wow... Sports..."

Amity pov:

I've gotten to hold Luz's hand so much today. Frick. I should be focusing on the anniversary. Luz needs you. Probably more than ever. Stop being gay.

"Have you ever had random dreams before?"

"I dunno, About what?"

"Like... Oh, I don't know. A random faceless stranger?"

"Well, Sometimes? I think its normal to dream about Strangers. Wait is it THAT kind of a dream?"


"Okay, okay. Well whats it like?"

"Its not a THAT dream, just... They hug me, and I feel safe. Completely. Like nothing can touch me."

Luz gasped.

"Amity's in love with the random stranger she keeps seeing in her dreams! That would be a great fanfic concept..."


"Has there been any features to this stranger? Maybe similar to someone you know?"

I froze. I had seen features. Luz's eyes. Wait- If I was in love with the stranger, and the stranger was Luz...

"Y'know what? I remembered I promised to get home before dinner. It was fun talking to you though!"

"Oh." Luz sounded sad, and let go of My hand.

"Um... I'll see you when I see you. I guess."

"Yep. Bye."

"Bye!" I started sprinting off. I didn't need to be back home. My parents didn't care, and my siblings were always out doing something. I needed time to think. Holy crap. I might actually have a crush on Luz. Holy Shit. Holy shit.


I hadn't really considered that possibility. But here we were. I could ask Ed and Em for help... I just wouldn't tell them who it was. They'd never meet, right? I doubt it. Unless they go to specifically pick out Luz- But why would they do that in the first place? Nah, They'd definitely do that. Just... Don't describe her? Thats good.

As I walked, I realized I was at my house. I opened the door carefully. I closed it softly.

"Hey Mittens!"

I jumped 6 feet into the air.

"Ed! What did I say about scaring me!"


"And what did you say back."

"I said; 'Thats Homophobic, Amity.'"

"Ughhhhhh." (mermista style.)

"Hey Ed! Ooh! Hi Amity!" Emira poked her head out of the kitchen.

"Hi Em."

"How was your day~"

"Great, Actually. It was so fun. We had so much fun. Shes so funny-"

"Ooh~ A girl."

"H- Hey! What are you trying to say?"

"I'm trying to say that Homosexuality is generic in this family."

"...Can't argue with that."

"Ooh~ So it IS a girl."

"A bit..."

"Well I'm guessing you want help. You wouldn't have told us otherwise."


"Well C'mon upstairs. Dinner can wait."

The three walked upstairs into My room.

"So. Whats she like?" Edrick immediately asked.

"She- Shes perfect. She's so kind. And caring! And she always seems to find a way to lighten the mood, and she's just so pretty Goddamnnit-"

"Awwww~ Shes a sapphic!"

"Wh- Huh?"

"Nothing. This girl sounds nice. What's her name?"


"Well, Do you think she likes you back?"

"I- I don't know! She's so hard to read sometimes, and I can't say what I'm feeling, and from today, it doesn't seem like she can either!"

Ed and Em shared a look.

"I'd really love to stay, but- Dinner." Em started sprinting away. Ed followed.

I groaned into my pillow. What was wrong with me? I'd been lying, I knew Luz absolutely didn't like me back. How could she? She was perfect, and I'm... Me?

End of part 

Roses are red, violets are gay, hope you have a great day :)

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