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Two chapters in one day? You guys are lucky ducks. I wrote this because I had a lot of motivation and inspiration today :)

Its been a week since me and Luz made up. She seems happy that we're friends again. We completely forgot the kiss, I guess. I've wanted to bring it up, just to get an idea of how it felt from her end, but there hasn't been... an opportunity? I can't very well go up to her and say;

"Hey! Just wanted to know if you actually really enjoyed that kiss, because I sure did, that was the best experience of my life-"

No. That won't work. I get a notification.

Luz: hi amity im bored you wanna go somewhere

Amity: mhm sure where tho

Luz: what about that beach you brought me to that place was pretty :)

Amity: cool so are you coming here or

Luz: ill walk over now :)

Amity: alrighty see you then

I sigh. This might be an opportunity to talk about the kiss, but being in the same spot might make it awkward. Y'know what? Forget about talking about it. It'd make her uncomfortable. And me too.

Luz pov:

Okay it's been a week. Amity and I are friends again, so thats great! Its been so much fun.

I text Amity quickly.

Luz: hi amity im bored you wanna go somewhere

Amity responds almost immediately. She always seems to do that with my messages.

Amity: mhm sure where tho

I think for a moment. Where could we go... to that beach! That place was beautiful. And fun.

Luz: what about that beach you brought me too that place was pretty :)

Amity: cool so are you coming here or

I think for a moment. The last time I was at Blight Manor, it was to reject Amity. Her siblings haven't talked to me since. I'll go there to refresh my memories from the bad ones to good ones.

Luz: ill walk over now :)

Amity: okay see you then

I get up from my sleeping bag. I have something I wanted to ask Amity. Willow, Boscha and Gus use magic around me all the time, but I've never once seen Amity use magic. Im wondering why. Is it because she feels bad for me? Sure, I can't do illusions, abominations or healing, but that doesn't mean she should feel restricted from using magic. That's not fair. I call out to Eda;

"Edaaaa I'm going somewhere with a friendddd."

She pokes her head around a corner.

"What friends?"

I sigh loudly.

"Okay okay... Go have fun kid."

I run out the door quickly. If I do remember the path correctly, I should be headed straight to Blight Manor. This path brings up bad memories. I was so determined on what was right. I definitely hurt Amity. I shouldn't have told her I liked her. I lied to her. I don't, I can't.

What was I thinking about when that happened? Not much, just that I needed to make sure Amity didn't hate herself.

I knock on the door to Blight Manor.

Amity quickly opens the door.

"Hi, Luz."


She closes the door behind her and we start walking.

"So how are you today Miss Blight?"

"O- Oh! I- I'm fine I guess... What about you?" Amity is blushing profusely. Damnnit, I shouldn't have said that.

"I'm great! Can't wait to go to the beach!"

"You- You sure? It won't bring up... bad memories?"

Why would- Oh. Right. Thats where she kissed me. An explosion of butterflies erupt in my stomach at the mere thought of that moment. But I can't like Amity. She's my friend.

"Oh- I completely forgot about that, don't worry! Since we're friends now it shouldn't matter anyways."

A slightly hurt look crosses Amity's face. Dang, you've done it again Luz. Just say something funny. That'll lighten the mood.

"Do you- Uh- Know why seagulls don't fly over the bay?"

"What? What are seagulls Luz?"


"Oh! They're a type of bird we have in the human realm. They usually live at beaches, or just places with food in general. They like to steal."

"Ooh... They sound cool. Now go on with what you were going to say..."

"No- I mean- I was making a joke- It wasn't really funny."

"Oh. Okay then."

The first awkward silence. And I'M the reason it happened. Luz. Get. A. Grip. You need to try. Stop being awkward. Maybe you can actually become friends with Amity again.

We arrive at the beach. I take a deep breath of the salty sea air. It smells nice. Peaceful. I turn to Amity.

"Theres actually something I've been meaning to ask you."

Amity pov:

Oh my gosh my heart rate just tripled. I know she's not talking about what I really want her to say, but thats- Thats okay. Nevertheless, my heart rate spikes. I'm surprised I'm not dead yet, given how many times that's happened lately.

"Sure, what did you want to ask?"

"Well, you never really use magic around me, and I was wondering why."

I haven't used magic around her? No, I haven't.

"Oh. I don't know. I Just don't really feel like I need to with you. Theres no one to impress with magic, and you just seem carefree."

Luz cleared her throat several times before answering.

"Thats Gay,"


Why yes Luz, It is gay. I wonder why. 

Anyways its 11 pm again i gtg to bed maybe ill write some more instead, I don't really have homework :)

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