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"Luuuzzzz~" Hooty Called. "You have a vissstttorrrrrrr."

Amity stood in the doorway, looking deeply disturbed.

"Amity! Hi!"


"Whats wrong?"

"This door talks, its a demon of some sort, and Its EXTREMELY creepy no offence."

"Good point! Lets go!"


I grabbed my bag and ran out the door, shutting it behind me.

"Luz? You okay?"

I startled. Did she think I wasn't okay? I was okay. I am okay.

"N-No! Why would you think that?"

"You just seem... More happy? But not in like a 'Happy' way, more like a; 'Im not okay but I'm pretending to be'."

"Well- I'm fine. Can we just go to the place?"

"Okay..." Amity said, Obviously still suspicious.

We headed off, Amity glancing at me every so often. I kept my eyes ahead. Amity wouldn't really care about the anniversary. Maybe I was being stupid about trusting her. But Amity didn't seem like she could hurt a fly. Well, Unless said fly provoked her. But even then, Amity wouldn't kill the fly.

"Luz, You're focusing on the fly too much."

"So... Are you Sure you're okay?"

"Y- Actually no?" I felt my heart start to crack.

"Well whats wrong?"

"Well- Nothing you'd be interested in-"

"Luz. I'd be interested in whatever you have to say."

"Th- Thats kinda gay."

"Luz. Stop. Stop making jokes. C'mon I'll find somewhere we can sit and you can tell me about it."


I let Amity take my hand, my heart fluttering madly. She dragged my towards a small cliff. There was a fallen log, and she motioned for me to sit. I did, and she sat next to me.


"So! Um- Well- I probably shouldn't be letting something like this affect me, and I feel really bad about completely ruining our happy day-"

"Just tell me." Amity looked at me, her golden eyes sparkling with concern.

"Well, my Dad died, And todays the anniversary- Of the first year, that is."

I quickly broke eye contact with Amity. It was easier to talk when you couldn't see how people reacted. You couldn't see the pity. You could say whatever, without damage done to your heart.

"And its nothing really, We should just go to the carnival-"

"Luz, is it okay if I hug you?"

"Sure, Why-"

Amity pulled me into a hug. My heart started practically pounding, and she hugged me tightly. She was such a good friend. (yes im doing this to you in this moment readers deal with it)

"Please, Let's do something calmer today. Maybe we could just... I don't know, Go to the library, but just to talk or hang out. No Azura book club." Amity mumbled into My ear. I tried desperately not to stiffen as I felt Amity's breath on My neck. It was tingly, and warm. Nice. Calming.

"A- Are you sure? We could still G- Go-"

"Luz. You're not up to it, and we both know it."


"Luz." Amity's voice was completely commanding. I wasn't getting out of this.


Amity took my hand once again, this time not even to lead me, Just simply to... Comfort me? I don't know. She probably didn't realize she even did it.

Amity Pov:



Control yourself Amity. Just get to the library.

Luz pov:

When we got to the library, Amity led us into the hideout-thing. I let go of her hand reluctantly, and flopped onto one of the bean bags. Amity looked disappointed for a moment, then her face became a mask of concern. Why would she be disappointed? But the change had happened so fats, I assumed I had imagined it.

She sat down in the bean bag next to me and whispered;

"So, What do you wanna do?"

"Oh, I dunno, You dragged us here!"

"Well, What about we just talk? About your Dad- If you want to of course! If not, we could just... Play a game or something."

"Why don't we play a game? I don't feel like crying right now, and a game might distract me!"

"Okay... What game."

"How about truth or dare."

Amity looked slightly perturbed at this, but she accepted nonetheless.

"Sure. What's the worst that could happen?"

"Okay. Amity, Truth or Dare."


"Okay... Do you actually want to go the carnival, And am I dragging you down by being sad?"

"No, I like spending time with you, no matter where we are, And you only get one question so..."

Amity's face was bright red. Why, I couldn't say. Was she angry? Maybe I was dragging her down...

"I've said it once, I'll say it again. Thats a bit gay Amity."

"W- Whatever. Truth or Dare Luz."

"Dare! Chaos is fun!"

"Okay... I dare you to... Stay in a room with Hooty for an hour."

"Wait... I already do that! We're in the same house..."

"Well, I can't think of anything else."

"Okay then... Truth or dare?"


"Whoa going the safe route are we Amity? And I thought I knew you as the classic rebel type."

"S- Stop it!"

"Okay, okay. Truth. I'm gonna go with a hard one. Have you ever had a crush on someone who isn't a boy?"

Okay so I was testing the waters. But can you blame me? Amity's like the Straightest person ever. Straight A's straight forwards, Straight path, She never seems to cut corners.

AN: Sorry for the short chapter, I've gotta do school along with this so the schedules not gonna be anything crazy. Maybe one every week? But anyways Here is chapter. Hope you enjoyed, Yes, little miss perfect reference i had to sneak in there. (Don't worry Hamiton fans. Just Wait for it HAHA)

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