Seaside confession

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(A.N: sorry for the short chapter, I'm trying to get into an Art school for writing, Because theres one near me- And I need to prep a application nd shit)

A little while passed, and we finally got to the beach. The sun was setting, and the sea was lit up by its rays. It was quite beautiful.

"So here we are." Amity said awkwardly.

"Here we are." I agreed.

"Uh... How was your day?"

"Pretty good. Nothing interesting happened. What about you?"

"Me? Oh- Nothing really- I mean- My day Was- Its was good. I had a good day."

I stifled a laugh at Amity stuttering so much, but decided not to mention it.

"So. Heard there's a dance going on soon!" I mentioned casually.

"Oh yeah! Thats Grom."

"Sounds like prom. I got kicked out for dressing like an otter. Don't know why, it was a totally sick costume."


"Yeah! Sick!"

"How is a costume... ill?"

"Oh! No, Its a way to say cool in the human realm."

"Ooh. You are 'Sick' Luz."

"Yeah! Like that!"

"Don't really understand the terminology, but okay!"

"Me neither actually..."

We walked in silence for awhile. With other people, Silence was awkward. But with Amity, the silence was always comfortable. Why was that? I don't know.

"So... Whatcha want to do?"

"Oh- I don't know." Amity looked at me. "What do you want to do?"

"Well- Uh- What if we just sat on that... Log over there!"

"Sounds great?" We walked over to said log, and sat down.

"Luz I need to tell you something..."

"Okay, What?" I grinned.

"I don't know if I can tell you it-"

"You can talk to me about anything, you know that right? I'll always be there for my friends."


"Yeah. For your friends. See- I'd like it if- If maybe- If you wanted to-"

I looked at her as she paused. There was a certain intensity in her eyes. Not anger, or sadness. I couldn't tell what it was. But she looked straight at me, and kissed me.

Only I didn't kiss back. In that moment I was so confused. It- It felt amazing. But- But why? What was happening? What did this mean? My brain was just chaos. And then, Amity stopped, Took one look at me, and ran away.

Amity pov

Why the FUCK did I go and do that. I knew she didn't love me. It felt so good- but- Her face. She looked shocked, and confused. Definitely not as if she liked me back. And she didn't, couldn't. What the hell was I thinking. I couldn't have just confessed? Then, I wouldn't have stolen her first kiss, Because I was almost certain it was, and I wouldn't have had to see her look so confused. I don't- How the heck would I go to school tomorrow? My parents weren't in town for the next week or so, So I guess it could work if I just stayed home. I burst into Blight manor, and ran into my room. I didn't cry though. I just felt terrible. I- I shouldn't have done that. I should've at least asked for consent first. Why did I do that.

Luz pov

She. Fucking. KISSED ME. Holy heck. What the- She liked me? Like that? I didn't know what I felt at this point. Did I love her like that? Did I love her enough? Because if we did get together, Would I be a good girlfriend? I'd never thought about that, and not I'm terrified about it. I don't think I could love her enough to be an awesome girlfriend. She deserves an awesome person, and I don't know if I could be that awesome person.


The end.

Jk but it'd be funny if that was the end wouldn't it-

Y'all would just be like; "NO WE NEED MORE." or not, idk if y'all like this-

But I love writing it, and I love potentially making your day better.

Anyways, byyeeeeeeeeeee

-Ash the tired author

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