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Okay admittedly, You might be confused about the chapter name. But just read :)

Amity Pov:

Well that went to shit. I mean, I expected her to reject me. That was probably my fault. I was too forward. I broke down as soon as I closed the door. I'm so weak, For a girl to be able to do this to me. One encounter, and look at me. Broken into pieces, sobbing. Ed and Em aren't home. Neither are our parents. And it seems like Luz knew that I'd be home. Luz. Anger bubbles inside of me, then unexpected warmth. She did reject me, but she also said she liked me. How should I feel? Sad? No, I feel numb. No emotions. Huh. This is kinda nice. Just... Nothing. My tears flow, but I don't make a sound. As I recover, I do remember what Luz told me;

"You deserve someone better. Someone who can be an awesome Girlfriend. I- I- I don't know if I deserve you."

Did she mean that I wasn't good enough? Or did she mean she wasn't good enough, because thats Bullshit. She- She- Must've meant me. She's too awesome to feel like she isn't good enough. Too... Amazing. If that's possible. While I'm on the topic of possibilities, what are the odds that I'm thinking about her fondly, RIGHT AFTER SHE REJECTED ME. I don't know whats wrong with me, because there obviously IS something. I just don't know what.

Luz Pov:

I did it. Its been two days since I rejected Amity, Its now the weekend. I've since convinced myself that I DIDN'T have a crush on Amity, because THAT, is absurd. I'm a bisexual, sure, but that doesn't mean as soon as I go to a new school I fall head-over-heels for some girl. I told her I liked her to make it easier for her. I promised myself, how could I forget? I promised myself, I'd never fall in love again.

(damn if i'd made the chapter longer, that could've been a crazy cliffhanger that everyone would hate me for ☺️)

Amity Pov again:

Its the weekend. My emotionless state wore off soon after Luz left. I cried, but thats over now. I just need to get on with my life. Without her, as painful as that is. My scroll gets a notification. It's Boscha.

Threeeyedhomo: amity you wanna come to the market with me???

Threeeyedhomo: hellooooooo

Threeeyedhomo: answerrrrrrrr

I think for a moment, then reply.

Raginghomo: sure why not

Threeeyedhomo: ill see u in fiveeee ✨💅☺️

I sigh. Why does Boscha send so many emoji's? I don't know. Why does Boscha do anything. When she started hanging out with Willow, and long before that actually, she... mellowed? She's kinder now. And even more of a homosexual.

I get ready before heading out. Another notification on my scroll, but I ignore it. It's probably Boscha, doing random emoji's. She does that sometimes. When I spot her, I jog over lightly, and smile.


"Hey bestie!"

"Hi." A voice interrupts us. I turn. Luz is here. With us. Fuck. I know, I know, I said I'd get over her, but just the sight of her makes butterflies wake in my stomach. I try to hide it.

"Hey." I answer. My voice is oddly cold, and Luz seems to notice this. But if she showed any emotion, I can't see it, because my eyes have slipped to the ground. The ground is interesting. Yep. Only reason why.

"Whoa. Did it get colder or is it just me." Boscha teases. I haven't told her, and neither has Luz, it seems.

"Nope. Just you. What are we waiting for?"

"Willow, thought we could use a double date. So Luz is here!"

"Wh-" I start, but Luz interupts me quickly, obvious panic in her voice

"We're not-"

"Dating-" I finish, then blush, because we just finished each others sentence.

"Ooh NOO. I know you're both too much of cowards to do THAT. This is mostly just so me and Willow have company. Maybe you two can work over what obviously bothering you."

"Okay." I murmur softly. If Boscha wants to do this, I'm coming with her, whether I like it or not.

Luz nods, I think. I don't actually know, but I'm assuming because Boscha turns and welcomes Willow.

"Hey~ You ready?"

"Whenever you are!" Willow says with equal enthusiasm.

"Well, Theres a brown-potion-shop, so maybe we could get brown-potions, and then go to the park?"

"Sounds great."

They start walking, leaving me and Luz behind.

"Guess we'd better go follow them." Luz says.

"I guess so."

We get our brown potions, which are actually just cookies. (Weird, right?) Well, I don't, I didn't get anything. I... Don't like eating in public to be honest. Everyone can look at me. Everyone can judge me.

"So how come you didn't get anything?"

Luz sits next to me on the picnic table we sit at. The scenery is beautiful. It's right on the water, and the trees here have orange leaves.

"Well what's it to you?" I question.

"I dunno, I guess I've never really seen you eat before. You don't come to lunch, and when you do, you don't BRING a lunch."

"Well what do you care?" Anxiety rises in me. Why is she being nice? Stupid. Its Luz, she's always nice.

"Well, It was just a question."

"Okay, I'll give you an answer. I don't like eating in public. There."

"So you just, what, starve at school?"

I pause. My gaze flickers towards Luz for a moment. As my eyes meet hers, concern shows in them. But when she acknowledges that I actually met her eyes, relief shows. I look away quickly.

"I guess."

"But thats horrible! You have to eat."

"No- I really don't."

"Yes you do~ open!" She tries the break off a chunk of her cookie, and give it to me.

"Fine! Fine!" I laugh. I don't think I've laughed in awhile. I grab the chunk, and take a small bite. "Happy?"

"Immensely. It's nice to hear you laugh. I hope we can still be friends."

"Yeah." I swallow hard. I do still like her, but I can try to be just friends. I can try.

"I'd like that." 

THIS ISN'T THE END, I JUST WANTED TO MAKE IT SEEM LIKE A NEW KINDA CHAPTER IN THEIR LIFE. DUDE, THIS IS A LUMITY FANFIC, NOT A LUMITY FRIEND-FIC. (does that even exist?) Now you also might be confused about Amity not wanting to eat in public. That fear myself is something I have experienced, and I thought It might be a good storyline Point. My fear obviously is more intense, but i will also choose not to eat and school, or in public places. 

Did you guys enjoy it?

Bye now~


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