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Still amity centred thing:

Amity rushed out of her last class. She walked down the hallway briskly. As she walked, she smacked headfirst into a student. "Ow!"

She had accidentally dropped her books. She immediately started to pick them up. She cursed under her breath. If this student had half a brain, they would walk away, and definitely not notice the Good Witch Azura book on the floor.

But apparently this person did NOT have a brain. The student started rapidly helping her pick the books up.

"Sorry! Sorry. Are you okay?"


Amit avoided looking up, fearing who the person was. If it was the wrong person, her book obsession would be out by the end of the day.

"Oh. My. Gosh. Is this Good Witch Azura?"

Amity flinched, waiting for a stinging remark, but all that was said was;

"I love this book!"

"You do?"

Amity said, before remembering that it probably wasn't a good idea to be so excited.

"Yeah! Whats your name?"

Amity looked up finally. It was the human. The first thing Amity noticed were her eyes. They were a magnificent colour. Interesting.

"I- I'm Amity B- Blight." Why was her voice stuttering now.

"Oh! You were friends with Willow- My names Luz. Luz Noceda!"

Amity tried not to flinch at the mention of Willow.

"Yeah. I was."

"Well, I see you like Good Witch Azura! Do you have phones here? Or phone numbers?"

"We have Scroll numbers?" Amity offered.

"Okay, that might work. Could I get your 'Scroll number'? So we can talk about Good Witch Azura!"

Amity wasn't sure why, but immediately after that sentence was uttered, Her face heated up.

"Oh. S- Sure!"

She quickly put in her scroll number, and hurried off. Her face was practically burning. The human had just asked for her scroll number. Usually, that was romantic- Why was she thinking this way about the Human?


Luz centred thing:

Luz entered The Owl House. Eda and King were waiting.

"Luz! I conquered several kingdoms today!" King squeaked.

"What?" Luz was deeply confused.

"I took him to the park." Eda snorted.

"Oh! I didn't know there were parks!"

"Well of course. Anyways, how was your day?"

"Amazing! I already have someones number!"

Eda tried to hide a smirk.

"Oh~ Who?"

"Some girl named Amity!"

"Well, you should probably text her or whatever."

"You're absolutely right!"

Luz ran upstairs, and into her room. She plopped onto her bed-thing. She pulled out her phone, and texted the number Amity gave her.

Luz: Hiya! Is this amity

Amity: ajijkjiskjkji yes

Luz: okayyyyyyy...

Amity: Ignore that

Luz: whatever you say hermosa

Amity: what

Luz: nothing

Luz laughed. She hadn't been lying, Amity was probably the prettiest girl Luz had ever met. Luz snapped her head up.

"No. Bad Luz. Don't fall in love with Amity. Sure, she is pretty. Sure, Her voice is nice. But don't. It'll hurt you. As usual."

Her phone buzzed.

Amity: So you wanted to talk about books or whatever

Luz: YES. You have no idea how long ive been searching for someone who reads the books. First off. Hecate and Azura

Amity: They were MADE for eachother

Luz: Yes they wereeee

Amity: well not made for eachother i just think its a valid ship yknow

Luz: i still think their made for eachother

Amity: your opinion not mine

Luz: OMG we should start a club

Luz: for the good witch azura i mean

Amity: well it would only be the two of us

Luz: so what? Its a good idea and maybe we could even be friends

Amity: yeah

There was a long pause between the two girls. Luz was excited beyond belief. She had a new friend, one who read Good Witch Azura. And they were starting a club!

Amity texted back after awhile.

Amity: So ive got a hideout in the library we might be able to go to. When do you wanna meet up

Luz: how about after school tomorrow

Amity: sounds great see you then

Luz: byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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