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Timeskip becuz lazy:

I look for Amity at school that day. Maybe if I can explain that I don't think- No. If I just reject her, It might be easier to accept. We can still be friends... Can't we? But It might be painful, Knowing we both like each other, and ever more so for her, Since she wouldn't know I do like her. I need to find her, nonetheless. But I'm looking for her, and she's not here. I see the tall girl who was supposedly Amity's sibling, and I run over.


"What do you want?" The girl asked coldly.

"Could I ask you one thing?"


"I- Uhm- I need to know where- where Amity is."

"And why would you need to know that? She told us what happened, you know."

"Oh- So- She thinks she got rejected?" I say, artfully dodging the question.

"Yes Dumbass. Now get out of here."

"But you didn't answer my question!"

"I answered one question. Thats what you wanted."

"But- Oh fine. I just wanted to tell Amity that I don't hate her, Because she probably thinks that- Wait. Did she stay home from school or something? That definitely sounds like something she'd do. But from the talk I hear about your parents, They must be out of town or something, they'd never allow that."

"Thats... Remarkably close to the truth-"

"Great! I'll be at Blight Manor after school!"

"Buh- Whuh- Huh?"

"Bye now~"

I run off. Amity stayed home because of me. I must've hurt her just that badly. But if I just reject her, She can move on! I know I never will, but she can. Plus, if and when I do go back to the Human realm, I'll have to leave. And that means leaving her. I'll never forget her, but it'll be easier for us both if we were never together to begin with. It'll be easier for her in the long run.

Timeskip brought to you by Aroace lilith (Slay queen)

Fuck. I didn't expect it to hurt this much. But I'm standing at the door to Blight Manor, and Amity opens the door.

"L- Luz!"

"Yeah. Hi. I just wanted to-"

"Reject me? Yeah I figured. Well you've done that, bye." Amity sounds like she's trying not to cry.

"W- Wait! I need to tell you why I'm rejecting you!"

I planned this whole interaction. I tend to do that when I'm nervous, or I've forgotten something important, Like homework. Or, I don't know, how to not be a bisexual disaster?

"Why would you need to do that." Amity's voice now sounds hollow

"Because I don't feel right leaving you without an explanation! Look, I like you-"

"Then why are you doing this to me?" Amity's voice is small now. I didn't know hearts could actually break, but here we are, and I feel like I'm killing god. More like a Goddess.

"Because Amity, You deserve someone better, someone who can be an awesome Girlfriend. I- I-" My voice grows higher in pitch, as now I am desperately tryign not to cry. "I don't know If I deserve you."

A moment of silence. For some reason, I'm expecting her to yell, Be angry at least. But she just mutters; "Well its over then? Just like that? I really didn't expect you to be a heartbreaker, Luz."

As she closes the door, I call out desperately.

"W- Wait! Amity!"

"Luz, I'm done waiting. Maybe you should hurry up."

She didn't actually say that. But I can hear it. Echoing. Like she wanted to say it. As I'm walking away, completely numb, I can hear quiet sobs, echoing from blight manor.


Imagine thats where it ended? But no, we aren't finished yet, are we. You guys still gotta see a happy ending. Will it come? Maybe, Maybe not. 

Damn I'd be good at writing synopsis' for books-

Hope y'all don't hate me It might take a bit before the next chapter will be out.

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