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A.N.: Sorry for the late update, I got really inspired, The updates might not be as often now that ive sucked out my creative juices. Sorry!


Amity thingy:

Amity stared at the ceiling. Frick. She'd just agreed to show The Human her study room. HER STUDY ROOM. And all because of what? A stupid crush- Wait. No. The fact that her brain just said that means it was true. Which meant, in all reality, she was fucked.

"Its not true." Amity muttered, trying to convince herself.

"Whats not true Mittens???" Emira burst into her room.

Amity's face went red in a split second.

"N- Nothing! Who said anything was true? Haha! Who's Amity?"

Emira looked at her slyly.

"Oh Edric~"

"Get out!"

Time skip brought to you by Lego Eda

It was the next morning. Amity was severely agitated by the fact that she's become literal best friends with The Human overnight. The girl was... Charming? You could say. But Amity probably would've said MANY more admiring comments, had she not just seen The Human talking to Willow. Willow. Amity supposed it might be awkward if her and The human were friends without Willow, But in all reality, If Amity apologized to Willow, Her parents would KILL her. So what to do...

"Amity! Hey!" Luz called out.

"H- Human. Hi."

Willow gave her quite the look. A glare mixed with; "If you hurt Luz like you did me i WILL kill you."

Of course, Amity had no plans of doing that. This was different.

"But why? How is this different? What makes her special?"

Amity tilted her head slightly. She didn't know. The Human ran up and hugged Amity tightly. Amity suddenly felt VERY overwhelmed. She stiffened in a effort not to completely melt into the affectionate gesture. It was like a ice cube, if half was being melted and the other was being blasted by a freezer.

"G-Get off me Human."

"Sorry! Sorry!" The Human released me.

"Hey! Your face is really red! Are you okay?"

And with that, Amity's face flushed further.

"I- I'm Fine! Classes start soon so I should probably- Um- See you!"

Amity speed walked off. (Shes the fastest lesbian alive.)


Luz thing:

It was the end of the day. Luz was talking to The Owl House to drop off her stuff. She saw a text from Amity.

Amity: Im just gonna tell you where the hideout is okay? So romance section right. And then just pull out a big blue book. Idk what its titled and im pretty tired and dont wanna check

Luz giggled.

"Heyyyyy Luzzzzz." Hooty practically shouted. Luz jumped about 50 feet in the air.

"Geez Hooty! You scared me!"

"Sooorrrryyyyy." Luz entered.


"Greetings kid."

"I'm going to the library!"

"Ooo. Sounds fun. You going now?"


"Alright have fun, and be back by nightfall."

"Will do!"

Luz quickly packed her bag full of new things. Azura books, A

Sketchbook and a few pencils, and of course her phone. She ran towards the library after that. As soon as she did, she headed for the romance section.

Huh. What a weird place to put a hideout.

She spotted the book and pulled it off the shelf. The bookcase slid away to reveal a small study room. There were two bean bags set up. Occupying one was a very asleep Amity. Luz quietly walked in and sat down in the bean bag next to Amity. She looked peaceful. When she was awake, there was always some emotion on her face, but now she just looked like she had just finished a good book. Relaxed. Luz shook her head silently.

Stop analyzing her.

Luz couldn't exactly stop looking at Amity either though. So when Amity opened her eyes, she was met by Luz just staring at her.


Amity (I think this is now considered a Pov because i can't handle third person at this point in time)

Chocolate. Thats all I can think about. I had another dream, where this mysterious someone was just comforting me, I had no idea why, but it was nice. Now I'm awake, and All I can see are chocolate brown eyes staring at me. The human. Shes here. I sit up quickly, embarrassed.

"Sorry! How long was I asleep?"

"Not long, You actually look pretty when you're asleep."

I flushed.

"O- Oh! Well."

"Anyways do you just wanna read Azura?"

"Sure. What book?"

"The first one!"


The Human- Luz. She should have a name. Anyways Luz began to read. I tried to pay attention... and failed miserably. Luz just made the cutest expressions. Adorable.


I snapped my head up. I had been staring at my hands for awhile.

"Amity are you even listening?"

"N-no. Sorry. Could you read that again?"

"You're not very focused today huh. Sure, I'll read it."

This time, I did Listen. We talked for hours, about Azura, about nothing remotely like Azura, and other things.

"So have you ever listened to Girl In Red?"

I paused. What the heck was Girl In Red?

"Sorry Luz, But what is that?"

"Oh! I- Its a band from the human realm. Y'know, Music."

"Well No, I've never listened to it."

"Oof. Well, I'd better head home before Eda worries."

"Eda? The criminal?"

"Whoa whoa whoa. Shes a lot more than just a criminal, shes a good person and frankly quite kind if you get to know her."

"Yeah sorry, I've only heard about her through the wanted posters."

"Mhm." Luz made a noise that was half; "I don't believe you." And half "Okayyy..."

Nonetheless, It was pretty cute. 

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