The log of romance

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Welcome to the final chapter. You will face trials beyond your capabilities, such as; trying not to squeal of cuteness, and to not murder/threaten the author for more.

And then, Amity texts me.

Amity: i still love you <3

I stare at the heart, then at the message. OKAY THEN. GET READY. If I'm gonna ask her out, Because now I must, It has to be in the best way ever. The beach? YES. THE BEACH. And the rest of the plan will follow.

Amity pov:

Its Monday. My parents are back. I haven't told them about Luz. I don't think they'd care, as long as it doesn't get in the way of my schoolwork. Which she literally is, right now. She skips in front of me, oddly chipper today.

"Hi Amity!"

"Um... Hi? What's got you so cheery?"

"Oh nothing~"

I'm confused beyond belief. Luz is always cheery, thats one thing I like about her. Another thing I like about her is how she doesn't hesitate to tell you exactly why. But now she is. (*confused gay screaming* Im kidding) Well, I should get to school. I'm sure whatever she's happy about is cool. And she doesn't have to tell me. That's up to her. Definitely not because I can't handle the awkward tension that is sure to come soon.

Timeskip because im too traumatized from school to write about school

Its the end of the day. I'm looking for Luz. There she is.

"Luz!" I call out. She turns and runs over.

"Hi!" Her face is flushed. Probably from running.

"You want to walk to that beach again?"

"Oh! Uh- No I can't today. I've got... training..."

"For what?"

"A... Test that's coming up! In another class- You won't be able to help me study for."

"Seems oddly specific, If you don't want to hang out today you could've just said so."

"No! I do- Training- I can't- B- Bye Amity!" Luz runs off. Weird. Huh. Maybe its the awkward tension. It doesn't seem like she saw my text. I accidentally sent it. I was typing nonsense, and then accidentally sent it. I deleted it. So I don't think she saw. Which is good. She doesn't think she's good enough. And now I'm doubting if I'm enough.


Luz Pov:

Alright. Everything's ready. Now I just need to... There. I've texted Amity.

Luz: hey you wanna go to the beach with meeee

Amity: okay sure

Luz: ill meet you at the log

It has now been dubbed; "The Log". And I fully intend to keep it that way. Soon enough, I see Amity jogging over.

"Hi!" I am excited beyond belief. A wave of doubt crashes over me. What if she didn't mean it? What if I'm NOT good enough? Maybe she just said that. No. Amity wouldn't lie to me. She- She'd tell the truth.

"Sit!" I invite her.

"Okay..." She sits next to me. "Why do I feel like you're plotting something?" She says teasingly.

"Because I am! Don't worry, It's good. I think. It really depends on the outcome..."

"Well then!" She smiles at me, relaxed. I feel my face start to heat up.

"Amity- I need to ask you something."

I stare at her. Amity. Amity Blight. The witch with Azura books. The top student. The absolute greatest person I might ever have met. I utter the words.

"Amity Blight, do you want to go out with me?"

There's almost breathless silence, as she takes in what I've just said. Maybe this was a bad idea. But now she's looking at me. Her eyes are soft. They're the colour of buttercups. Yellow, yet majestic in their own way. With a golden tint. She opens her mouth.

"Of course Luz, I love you."

So here i am. Ending the fanfic. I want to thank every creator on here. I don't think anyone says this, but i personally get inspiration from people like you. You are amazing. And great. Anyone who says otherwise should be banished to the shadow realm-

I'm going to be doing a Q n A, If anyone has any questions. You can ask any characters. It'll be fun, i promise. It'd be really awkward if no one commented- So comment your questions!

I love you all so much, thanks for the love and support on this story, you have no idea how much It means to me. Have a WONDERFUL Evening/day.

- Ash

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