Emotionless Tears (Not total Angst i promise)

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Luz Pov:

Amity Rushed off. I don't know why, but my chest tightened. And now I'm just confused. Did I say something wrong? Why did she look scared?

"Huh... Well, Owl house it is!"

I got up and started walking back. I reflected that now that I had hung out with Amity, I felt significantly better. Just talking to her... I don't know what it did, but it did something.

I walked into The Owl House, and was greeted by King. Just King.

"Wheres Eda?"

"Wow, No; 'Hello King'? She's at the night market."

"Oh. Well. Hey King."

"How was your outing with your girlfriend?"

"We- We're not dating, but it- It was great. Shes- Shes great."

"You wish you were dating."

"N- No!"

I pondered that. Would it be nice to date Amity? She seemed nice. Sure, I probably at some point will develop feelings for someone at this school, But like, I'm not going to do anything about it. Sure, I do like Amity a lot, but not like THAT. Wait-


"I- I don't know, Okay King?"

"Alright!" King waddled off.

I wondered what it would be like for King, To not have to worry about all this... stuff.

"So... Dinner!" I shot finger guns at no one in particular.

I sighed after a moment and walked towards the kitchen. It was a bit small, but I didn't mind. My kitchen back home was- No, Don't- You'll just make yourself sadder. I grabbed some leftovers quickly, and swiftly ran up the stairs. Tears pricked my eyes, but I ignored them. Luckily, King wasn't in my room. I didn't want him to see me cry, Because that was definitely happening.

I shut the door loudly, and made sure it was locked. Then, I set my food on the ground, and flopped onto my bed. When the tears came, they were... Emotionless? Oddly. They stung, but I didn't feel. I was just... Numb.

Time skip brought to you by demons (Unknown)

Amity pov:

As I walked into school, Luz ran up. She looked... Terrible. Not as in; Just terrible- She looked great, as usual, but she looked like she hadn't slept in several days.

"Luz! Hi."


Ed and Em walked up from behind me.

"Amity! You didn't tell us Luz was such a Cutie! Oh wait. You did-"

"Emira you say one more word and I'll kill you."

"Okay..." Em walked away. My face burned as I turned to Luz.

"You- Think I'm cute?"

"No! I mean- Thats- Emira likes to lie- I would never!"

"Oh... Okay."

Luz turned away before I could catch a glimpse at her face.

"W- Well, I'd better be going."

"O- Okay."

Luz walked away without another word. Boscha's voice suddenly appeared behind me.

"Hey! Amity! Come on over here!"

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