Stage Fighting

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Beck and I were in the Blackbox theater as he practiced a stage fight with Russ, the instructor while I was watched in the audience. Beck had been practicing every day and it had started to look as if they were really fighting!

Tori entered right as Russ 'kicked' Beck across the prop table, making him fall to the ground. "BECK!" She yelled, making me notice her. "STOP, GUYS!"

"Tor—" I said before she threw her bag to the ground.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE!" She yelled, running towards them and jumping on Russ's back.

"TORI!" Beck and I yelled, moving to get her off of him. Beck stood up from his position on the ground as our teacher, Liam and classmates walked in. "WHO IS THIS CHICK?" Russ exclaimed, getting the attention of our teacher and Andre, who both ran to pull Tori off Russ's back.

Andre grabbed Tori, pulling her away as our teacher got Russ, and Beck in the middle. "What are you doing!?" Liam questioned Tori, holding out his hand to distance them.

"That guy was beating up Beck!" Tori exclaimed.

"Oh, you poor thing" Jade said joining the conversation, standing beside me.

"We were practicing." Beck stated.

"This is Russ." Liam introduced.

"I'M RUSS!" Russ exclaimed, throwing his arms in the air.

"He's a professional stuntman. I invited him to teach the class about stage fighting." He explained. 

"And now Tori says, 'What's stage fighting?'" Jade jeered in a deep exaggerated voice.

"I wasn't going to say that!" Tori said, turning around and grabbing Andre's arm, pulling him slightly to the side.

When Andre was finished explaining, because Tori wasn't fooling anyone Beck continued, "I took a class with him last summer." Beck gestured towards Russ.

"Well, it looked like he was hurting you." She said.

"Why do you care?" Jade asked as I went and sat down to the chair nearest to the front.

"Cause I figured he suffers enough pain from being related to you."

"You wanna see pain!?" Jade raised her voice, dropping her bag and jumping at Tori. Our teacher and Beck jerked her back, holding her in place.

"Hey? Why don't you sit over there with Y/n?" Our teacher told Jade and pointed to the empty seat next to me.

"Hey? Why don't you sit over there with Y/n?" Our teacher told Jade and pointed to the empty seat next to me

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"Now If I throw a punch at Cat, like this," Russ threw a fake punch, making Cat gasp and flinch back. "It's easy to see my fist didn't connect with her face." He said, gesturing to Cat.

"Thank you." She thanked him, causing Russ to look at her.

Continuing, Russ walked towards Cat moving her slightly over. "But if we stage it from a different angle, then..."

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