Tori Goes Platinum: Part 1

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A/N: I just wanted to say before we begin, this chapter officially marks something that I see, in my book, as "Season 3". What I mean by that is, from now on, is when you'll notice things in the book starting to unfortunately wrap up. You're going to see it in the way the gang starts to change, mature and tie up loose ends.

Also, these 2 chapters are basically Beck and Y/n in love, and Tori struggling in the background. Enjoy! Mawh, mawh! (Imagine me sending kisses through the screen <3)

Monday, May 2nd

"Backstory." Sikowitz said, after writing said words on the board. He walked forward, and spined around the roll out TV he had gotten in here for class, as he pointed at his back. "Back..." He muttered, before pointing towards Tori. "S-tori."

She gave him a confused close-lipped smile, as we all stared at him awaiting. 

"Backstory!" He said, again.

"Why did you keep saying backstory?" Tori asked, making him grin.

"Excellent question! When it comes to television shows and Hollywood movies, most of the writing is terrible." He chastised, as we nodded in agreement. 

"Hey, that's true." Andre murmured.

"So, good actors must make up their own 'backstory'... A history for the character. Who is this person I'm playing? Where did I come from?" He explained, before catching notice of something on his shirt's sleeve. "What is this stain?" He asked, looking at it.

Cat raised her hand, "Ooo! The police found a weird stain on the seat of my brother's car." She said, causing Sikowitz to look at her with a confused frown.

"Uh. What kinda stain?" Andre asked.

She glanced at him, "They don't know yet. They're taking the car seat down to "the lab." She shared. I shook my head, dismissing what Cat just said. 

"...Maybe we should just talk about backstory." I suggested, forcing a smile.

Sikowitz grinned sarcastically, pointing at me. "All right! Let's take a look at this performance by me." He stopped to smile, as he walked down the stage's stairs to his laptop that was sat on a black crate besides Cat. "From an old TV show called 'city bus nights'..." He said, putting it onto the TV. 

Two men, one being Sikowitz (WITH HAIR) stood outside a building, looking around alarmingly before he paused it.  "There I am, guest starring as the character of Loogie. So, for my backstory—"

"Hi, sorry to interrupt!" Sinjin said, after busting open the door. 

"What is it, boy?!" Sikowitz' voice boomed.

He smiled, ignoring his tone of voice. "Mason Thornesmith is having a major press conference right now about the Platinum Music Awards!" He announced, jumping up and down. He giggled, squeakily, before flapping his arms around and leaving. 

Tori gasped, looking at Andre as Cat looked at Sikowitz. 

"I got it... They're streaming it on The Slap!" Robbie said, glancing at his pearpad. 

"Put it on the TV!" Tori exclaimed, motioning to the monitor before half of the class shouted at him to turn it on too.

"Okay!" He yelled, before leaning down to his laptop. "Now, let's see... W... w... w..." He typed, slowly, before Cat pushed him out of the way, almost out of his seat. 

"Move!" She squealed, typing in The And not a second later, we heard Mason Thornsmith's voice on the TV as he stood behind a podium, with 5 microphones pointed at him. 

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