The Great Ping-Pong Scam

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The bell had just rung as Tori, and I walked into the school. We would've been there earlier but noo, Tori had to have her authentic coffee. She was on her phone as we walked across the hallway. I was following her, not really paying attention.

"Listen, I need your guys' help." Robbie said to Andre and Cat as we approached them.

I looked up, hearing Cat's laugh, noticing them all standing by the soda machines. "Oh, hi guys."

"Hey." Tori greeted, looking up from her phone.

"Oh, hey Y/n, Tori!" Cat said as they turned to us.

"How's it going?"

"What's up?"

"Well, after school I was thinking we should all go hang out at The Grove. You wanna-wanna?" Tori asked.

"Uhh..." "Oooh..." "Uhh..." We said, as I moved to stand beside Cat.

"We really can't." Cat said.

"How come?"

"Well, uh, we have ping pong practice." I shrugged, sending her a soft smile.

Every month or so my friends and I would have our ping pong practice. We joined freshman year, and because no one was already on the team; it was just us and Sikowitz. And that led us to change some things... Anyway, Jade is the captain and I'm co-captain and let me tell you, I SUCK at sports, really anything related to athletics, but ping pong? I'm actually really good and plus, I like it.

"Mm-hmm." "Uh-huh." "Yup." They confirmed.

"Shut up." Tori said amused.

"It's true."

"Yeah, we're all on the ping pong team." Robbie told her.

"Me, Andre, Robbie, Beck, Y/n and Jade." Cat gestured, turning to Andre and me.

"There's no ping pong team at Hollywood Arts." Tori said.

"Ahh-" Robbie winced, glancing at us before continuing. "Listen, Tori, um you're still kinda new here and there's some things that you just don't under-" He paused, moving closer to Tori as he sniffed the air between them. "What kind of gum are you chewing?"

"I don't know. Sinjin made it."

"Why would you chew gum Sinjin made?" I asked, a little grossed out.

"I don't know, I-"

"Smell her mouth." Robbie told Rex, moving him closer to Tori.

"Sure." He sniffed, getting closer than Robbie did. "Hmm...smells like, that trip we took to Acapulco last year."

"Yes!" Robbie agreed.

"Oh! You have Mexican-flavored gum?" Cat excitedly asked.

"Mexicans not a flavor!" Tori snapped, as Sinjin walked by.

"Thank you!" He said lowly in her ear, walking away.

"Look, if you guys don't wanna hang out with me then just say so. Why make up a lie that you're all on some ping pong team?"

We weren't lying, but these idiots didn't say that. Instead, they froze and acted as if nothing had just happened!

"Hey Tori!" Cat greeted again.

"How's it going?"

"What's up?" Robbie and Andre asked.

"Okay, so now you're just gonna pretend like we're not having the conversation we're having?"

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