Slap Post: What I Hate #3

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"Uhh," Jade stammers, placing the remote down, "yeah. So, it's been a while since I posted a new video. Sorry. If you're really wazed off about it, how about you write me a complaint and send it to me." She says, sitting criss cross in her chair. "My email address is Idon'tcare@Iserio-uslydon' oh and hold your breath until I respond."

"By the way, this video is going to be about stuff I hate

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"By the way, this video is going to be about stuff I hate. Here's a new sign I made," 

"That's uh," Jade glances at the sign

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"That's uh," Jade glances at the sign. "that's red ink.. as far as you know." She smirks. 

"Okay, this is a big one for me

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"Okay, this is a big one for me." She says, leaning forward in her chair. "I hate everyone who jumped on the vampire bandwagon like what? Four years ago? I have been into vampires since I was three years old. I carved fangs into my Raggedy Ann and all of a sudden everyone goes, 'Oh I saw one mediocre movie about vampires. I guess I love them.' I hate that." She deadpans, "So, what do I do? I get rid of all my vampire stuff. I find something new, something amazing. Zombies."

Jade looks around, before settling on the camera. "And now what have you done! get off of my zombie bandwagon! I hate you!" She yells, glaring at the camera.

 "And now what have you done! get off of my zombie bandwagon! I hate you!" She yells, glaring at the camera

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"You know that saying, 'I love a parade'?" Jade shakes her head, "Not me. I hate a parade. You stand on the side of the road trying to get a good look at some lameo marching band and a float with a creepy smiley girl who waves at you like you should know who she is." She explains, cringing.

Raising up in her chair, she creepily smiles, slowly turning her head to the side as she begins to give a royal wave.

"I hate parades." She whispers, leaning forward.

"You know what else I hate? People at coffee shops who hogs all the fixings bar

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"You know what else I hate? People at coffee shops who hogs all the fixings bar. They're like 'Hey, I got my coffee now so why don't I take an hour to put in some sugar, now some milk, now a pinch of cinnamon and a dash of skim milk'." She smiles sarcastically, "Hey blank idiot, get out of my way so I can get a napkin! I HATE YOU!" Jade shouts. 

She groans, "I hate people at award shows who act all surprise when they win

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She groans, "I hate people at award shows who act all surprise when they win. You were nominated for the award! What's the big surprise!?" She yells. 

"Oh, my goodness!" Jade gushes happily, standing behind her chair as she holds up a glass vase as a prop for an award

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"Oh, my goodness!" Jade gushes happily, standing behind her chair as she holds up a glass vase as a prop for an award. "I can't believe that I won the award for best actress in a musical mini-series soap opera or tv or movie! I mean, I found out I was nominated two months ago but.." She sighs, "I never made the connection that I could actually win!" She exclaims, raising up the vase as she cheeses.

" She sighs, "I never made the connection that I could actually win!" She exclaims, raising up the vase as she cheeses

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"I hate you phony surprise people." Jade says, resting her hand on her cheek. She glances to the side before looking at the camera, "And I'm starting to hate talking to this camera. Later haters."


Intro is from another Slap video of Jade's. 

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