Survival of the Hottest

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"Oh, my God. I am so... hot." Tori waved herself as she looked up at the sky.

Summer was soon approaching, and that meant heat waves. But this heat wave had been hotter and longer than usual. It started on Wednesday and wasn't supposed to end until next Tuesday! And it didn't help that the air conditioner went out in one part of the school building.

Yesterday, I took all my jean shorts and skirts out, and all my tank tops and sleeveless shirts out, seeing as it wasn't gonna end till Tuesday! 

"Ain't that the truth." Rex muttered.

"What's the temperature now?" Beck asked, looking at Robbie.

Robbie had his big pear pad out; I don't know even know how he brought it to school.

"Well, uh, according to my pear pad-" We groaned as he pulled the big gadget from where it was leaning on the table. "Here in Hollywood, it is...103 degrees." He said, causing us to groan again. I looked up at the sun, pouting.

"Man, I hate sweating." Beck said.

"I know, my arms feel like warm wet ham." Tori said, making me give her a questioning look as Beck chuckled.

"Hii, I'm really hot but I'm still in a good mood." Cat greeted, as she and Jade sat down.

"Robbie. You done with that water?"

"No." He grabbed it, looking at Jade.

"Give it to me." She demanded.


Jade took a sip from the water, as Tori started staring at her. She then started to touch all over Jade's arms and face making her stop what she was doing and look at Tori. "What!?"

"You're not sweating."

"Ah huh." Jade said as Tori put her hand on her forehead, feeling all over her face. "Having fun there?"

"How can you not be sweating?" She stopped, putting her arms back on the table.

"I don't sweat."

"Everyone sweats!"

"Not Jade." Beck said.

"She never sweats." I added, shrugging my shoulders as Cat nodded, agreeing.

"What do you mean she never sweats?" Tori turned to look at Beck and me.

"Sweating is gross, so I don't do it." Jade said, nonchalantly.

"So, so what? You're like cold blooded?"

"Jade? Cold blooded? Mm what a surprise." Rex sneered.

Jade grabbed my bag, getting out the sunscreen and shot some all over Rex's face. Mostly his eyes though.

"Ahh! That witch got sunscreen in my eyes! Help me, Rob!"

"It's okay! Don't fret! Uh, uhhh there you go." Robbie cooed as he got a napkin and got the sunscreen off.

"Ughh, now my face is gonna tan unevenly."

"He's a puppet..." I muttered, making Beck laugh a little.

"What's up amigo's, amigirls." Andre greeted, sitting on the other side of Beck.

"Hey." I greeted.

"What's all that money for?" Cat asked as Andre was holding a small wad of cash in his hands.

"Me" He paused, "and Y/n, here you go." He said looking over at the kiddie pool as he gave me my cut.

"Thank you, sir." I thanked, putting the money away in my bra.

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