A Christmas Sikowitz

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The week of Christmas, Monday

"Ho, ho and a ho!" Robbie exclaimed, walking into the class holding Rex. 

"Hi and hiiii!!" Cat said excitedly, poking his nose as she jumped. As the bell rung, she poked Rex's nose too, laughing. 

"All right, young lovers of learning and short pants," Sikowitz greeted the class, walking through the door as everyone went to their seats.

It was officially the week of Christmas, and the classroom had been decorated to the brim with Christmas decorations, as with the whole school and even my locker. Dad and I decorated the outside of the house this past weekend, since him and mom weren't going to be home until Friday, which was Christmas eve!

"I do love short pants." Cat chimed, smiling as she rocked on her heels.

"Yeah, guess what I love." Jade said, walking past her. 

"What?" She asked, before sitting down. 

"Slapping perky redheads." Jade replied, sitting down.

Beck and I settled in our chairs as Cat laughed, messing with her hair before she gasped. 

"Now Jade, don't be a Christmas grunch." Sikowitz said, digging into his bag. He glanced at her as Beck rested his head on his hand, closing his eyes. I put my hand through his hair, gently scratching it. 

"Ha ha ha." Rex chuckled, "Grunch. That's my word." 

"You need to calm down!" Tori shouted as she and Andre busted through the red ribbon-wrapped door, squabbling.

"I can't calm down!" He yelled, talking over her.

"It's not the end of the world!"

"Yeah, it is... it's absolutely the end of the world."

"You have all next semester to make it up." She reasoned as they walked to their seats.

"I don't care, I'm just gonna give up music!" He said, taking off his backpack. "You know what... Just forget it! Forget everything!" He exclaimed, sitting down. 

Give up music?? What?!

"Hо hо hо!" Robbie pestered, turning around in his seat to look at Andre. "And jingle bells!" He smirked, tapped Andre on his knee.

"No, Andre don't you dare--" Tori yelled as he pushed Robbie out of his chair and to the floor, groaning. "Ah, ya did it." She shook her head.

"I bet that jingled his bells." Jade said, making me laugh. Rex grunted as Robbie stood up, finding an empty chair by Jade. 

"I'm sorry but all of y'all can just keep your Christmas spirit to yourselves." Andre spat, holding his hands out in front of him.

"Andre? You got a beef with Christmas?" Sikowitz asked, crossing his arms. 

"I love Christmas beef!" cat exclaimed, "Every year, my brother steals a chuck roast and then rubs it with--"

"Cat!" Jade yelled, stopping her from finishing her story as I put my hand out to stop her. The class did not need to hear that story.

"Hey, hey." Beck muttered, jumping awake from Jade's yell. He sighed, "You woke me up." 

"Ooh sorry Beck. Certainly, wouldn't want to keep you awake during my class." Sikowitz said, picking up Robbie's chair from the floor.

"Thanks. You're the best." Beck said, putting my hand back on his hair as he snuggled back up on the chair. 

"Now, before I get my" Sikowitz murmured, walking back onto the stage. "WHA-KAH!" He kicked his leg, making Cat laugh. "Teach on... Andre... why the sour puss?" He asked, sitting down on a 

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