Trina's Video Profile

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"Hi, hi!" Trina greets, waving her hand. "My name is Trina Vega. I'm sure most of you already know that because I'm a senior at Hollywood Arts. That's.. you know, that's very prestigious. It's a prestigious thing," She nods, wanting you to really understand and grasp just how prestigious it is. 

"This is my NEW video profile for The Slap! Now! Most people on The Slap do their video profile by just telling you stuff about themselves. Ya know, like into the camera. But I'm going to do something a little more creative." She smiles.

"All week I've been posting these flyers all around school and they say if you have any questions about me, Trina, you can log into my private chat this Thursday from 5 to 5:30 PM

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"All week I've been posting these flyers all around school and they say if you have any questions about me, Trina, you can log into my private chat this Thursday from 5 to 5:30 PM." She explains, now sitting at the kitchen table, holding a white flyer with a white and black picture of her on it.

"Now let's take a look online and find out what people want to know about me!" Trina uses her mouse pad to scroll on her laptop.

"Okay," She awkwardly laughs, "No questions yet! ...Ummm... Oh!" She exclaims, getting an idea. "Here's a good one, Trina, that's me! Trina!" She laughs again. "Do you think you're most likely to become a television star or a movie star?" 

"I see myself doing movies more. Because movies screens make the image of the actor huge! I-it's hard to find actors with faces that look really fantastic when you blow them up that big." She explains, nodding her head.

She shrugs, "I-i happen to have a face when you blow them up big, it just... works. I-i work it!" She shrugs again, laughing. "It's what I do." Trina says, glancing between her laptop and the camera. 

"So, I-i'm not sure why anyone isn't asking any questions yet." She shrugs, before tapping the table ideally. 

"Oh! Okay, I'm sure a lot of people want to know why I love being a performer?" 

"I enjoy making people happy and I was born with that gift. The ability to make other people happy just by putting myself in front of them. And so, I almost feel obligated to..." She stammers, pushing her lips upwards. "Provide myself to others..."

"I don't understand why people aren't asking me questions

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"I don't understand why people aren't asking me questions..." Trina says awkwardly with a forced smile. "Oh! Wait! I get it," She shakes her head at the camera. "I'm a senior and I have tons of experience as a performer and other kids are probably intimidated by me. Like if you said, hey Trina you can ask Johnny Depp whatever you wanted, I'd probably get nervous too..." She nods. 

"That's all the time I have for questions," She laughs, aggressively closing her laptop. She smiles at the camera, looking ready to snap at any given moment. "This has been Trina's video profile.." 

Standing at the top of the staircase, watching her sister, Y/n logs onto Trina's private chat, sending in one question before Trina can officially end her video. Trina's laptop dings right as she is about to turn the camera off with her remote, she looks at the camera with wide eyes, placing her hands on her laptop about to open it. 

"And there it is! Didn't I say it!?" She exclaims, "I said it.." She mumbles, opening her laptop. "Okay, oh! Here," She swallows, "It says..."

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