Cat's Video Profile

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"Hey people, people!" Cat greets, waving her hands. "My name is Cat..." She says, before laughing and covering some of her face. "Sorry, I just thought of something funny.. Um.." She stammers before looking back at the camera. 

"Okay, I've been watching a lot of people's video profiles here on The Slap and I've noticed almost everyone's done their profile either sitting up or standing up so.. to be a little different, I'm going to try mine, sideways." She smiles. 

"Hiii! I'm sideways now," She laughs, flipping some of her velvet hair up which lands on her face

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"Hiii! I'm sideways now," She laughs, flipping some of her velvet hair up which lands on her face. "Okay," she says, shaking her head. 

"My video profile, by Cat. That's um, that's me!" She shrugs, "Um.. okay. I'm 15, which means right now, I am halfway to my birthday AND that I'm one of the youngest kids in my class, but I'm mature so whatever, y'know." She laughs.

"I love animals and I love to perform; do makeup and I love to sing! Okay, here's some of my favorite notes to sing, laaa!"

"I love animals and I love to perform; do makeup and I love to sing! Okay, here's some of my favorite notes to sing, laaa!"

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" A lot of people ask me if this is my natural hair color? No, no it's not." She says, sitting back up in her bed. 

"I make it this color because I love red velvet cupcakes, and this is the exact same color of a red velvet cupcake!" She explains, playing with a strand of her hair before putting it in her mouth. "But it tastes like hair."

"My brother is SO

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"My brother is SO.. weird... Sometimes it's a funny kind of weird but most of the time it's like.. 'Uh oh!'" She says, as the camera zooms in on her face.

She sits up from laying on her stomach, playing with her purple puff ball toy. "My dad is always telling me that I say wayy too many words, he thinks I say around like nine thousand words every day and he thinks I should cut back to around like.. fifteen words a day."

"So, I went on vacation with my family, well a road trip and they accidently left me on the side of the road."

"It was funny!" She laughs, "Until it got dark outside and

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"It was funny!" She laughs, "Until it got dark outside and.. then it got less funny."

"My favorite foods are cupcakes, noodles, candies and potatoes

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"My favorite foods are cupcakes, noodles, candies and potatoes. One time, I was at a restaurant, and I ordered the popcorn shrimp, but it turns out they have nothing to do with popcorn." Cat shakes her head, "There just this little bitty fried shrimp!" 

She sits back on her legs, resting her hands on her lap. "Here's another note I like to sing, laaaa! Laaaa, laaa! This has been Cat, which is me! And this is my video profile! Laaa! Oooohh!!! Wooo!"


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