Tori Goes Platinum: Part 2

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"Hurry, let's see it!" Robbie rushed Sikowitz, as Sikowitz hooked up the TV to Jade's laptop. 

He looked at him, "I don't know about this. What if Tori walks in?"

Beck tilted his head, "I wouldn't worry about that." 

"She's been skippin' classes all week." Andre told him, as I nodded. 

"Yeah, 'cuz she thinks she's hot whaz." Rex remarked, making me look at him as Robbie held him, standing next to the window. I glanced at Cat, as I heard a kernel pop, Jade and Robbie also looking too. 

Robbie stepped over, "Sikowitz, Cat has bibble!" He exclaimed.

"Ha!" Rex laughed.

Sikowitz walked off the stage, shaking his head. "Cat..."

"No, it's not mine, I'm holding it for a friend!" She said, bringing the small bag towards her chest as she watched Sikowitz stalk towards her. He grabbed the bag from her, before walking back up the stage. "But I need it! I mean, my friend needs it!" 

After Cat's parents, and Lane noticed Cat's... unruly addiction to bibble, the other day, they banned her from eating it. It wasn't just only putting a dent into their pockets but making Cat act a little crazy as we all couldn't help but notice. We were to alarm a trusted adult any time we saw Cat with bibble. 

I shook my head, as Andre walked up behind her, holding out a pack of gum to her as she pouted. "Cat, here... "

"What's this?" She asked, taking the gum from him. 

"It's a special gum. If you're cravin' bibble, just chew some of that. It'll make you feel better. See, just unwrap it, and then...—"

She slapped his hand away, focusing on the gum. "I know how gum works!" She said, making him hold his hands up, and back away.

I glanced at Beck, shaking my head again as Cat put 2 pieces of the gum into her mouth. "Okay, here we go..." Jade said, and I could hear the smile in her voice without even looking at her.

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