Freak the Freak Out: Part 2

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A/N: Not all the dialogue is the same, so don't skip over that if you read the other one :)

A/N: Not all the dialogue is the same, so don't skip over that if you read the other one :)

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April 11th, Sunday,

"Music... Multishot." Trina mumbled as she set up the camera. She was currently having her own little photoshoot by the piano, the camera clicking as she posed. I came down the stairs, holding my laptop. "Y/n, you're in my shot!" She whined.

"Sorry!" I said as I hurriedly moved around the piano. The front door opened, and dad walked in.

"Hey, dad." Trina glanced at him as she jumped in the air.

"Hi dad." I greeted.

"Hey babies." He said, putting up his keys.

"How come... you're home early? I thought you were... working late... tonight." Trina asked as she stopped to pose.

"Well, I have a lot of paperwork... to do and I really need... to concentrate... so I'd thought I'd work... here." He explained as he walked to the kitchen, stopping to pose as well.

"Where's mom, I haven't seen her all day?" I asked as I sat down at the kitchen table. She'd left right after dad did, and that was early.

"Uhh, I think she's at your aunt Sonya's." He responded as he went to refill his thermos.

Tori's phone that was on the couch started ringing. "Hey, can you... grab that phone?" Trina asked dad.

"No but... one of you girls can." He turned around and posed again.

"It's not even my phone. It's Tori's! TORI!" She yelled as she walked to the couch, grabbing the phone. "Hello?" She asked as she answered it, "No, no, I don't know where Tori is." She paused, listening. "You're who?" Trina asked, glancing at me. She pulled the phone down and covered it with her hand as dad came from the kitchen "It's Mark Mccallen!"

"Yay?" Dad said, confused, making me laugh.

"He is ridiculously hot, and everybody says he's an awesome kisser!" Trina exclaimed.

"Make sure he knows, I'm a cop." He said as he passed by her, making sure Mark heard him.

Trina watched him leave, waiting until he was in his office to put the phone back to her ear. "Hey, Mark. This is Trina, Tori's hotter, older sister." She grinned. I shook my head at her, trying to ignore her as I finished my essay.

"Why are you looking for Tori?" She paused "Ohh, yeah, she is totally busy Friday night. But I'm not!" She paused again, listening to what Mark was saying, or asking. "Really? Yeah, I love glow-in-the-light mini golf!"

Tori came down the stairs, just having a shower as she dried her hair with a towel. She looked at me, and nodded her head towards Trina, silently asking who she was on the phone with. I mouthed 'Mark', but I don't think she understood, judging of the confused look she gave me.

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