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March 3rd, Thursday

It had almost been a week since Beck and I had broken up, and I wasn't going to lie, it felt like torture. Not to say I didn't who I was outside of our relationship, because I did, but there had never been a time where Beck and I were like this, even before we started dating. So, these last few days had been weird. Our friend group was divided, and I could definitely tell even they had been affected by it. I'd been asked out by 4 different guys just in the last 2 days, word had spread fast that we'd broken up. And I'm pretty sure Beck had been hit on about 50 times already.

Class with Sikowitz had ended almost 8 minutes ago, and as we waited for our next class, Jade and I sat against the lockers near mine working on an assignment we had completely forgot was due next period when we saw Cat getting a drink from the vending machines. She grabbed the soda and put her phone in her pocket before going to the trash can and throwing the drink away. Jade and I looked at each other, utterly confused.

"Cat..." I said, standing up from the floor with Jade as the bell ringed. "Why'd you throw your drink away?" I asked.

"'Cuz I wasn't thirsty." She answered, causing me to be even more confused. I shook my head, beginning to look around the hallway instead.

"But... But you bought the...—" Jade said, gesturing to the Wahoo Punch drink dispenser. She sighed, rolling her eyes. "Forget it." She shook her head, glancing at me as I had zoned out before looking back at Cat. "What are you doing Saturday night?"

"I'm dog sitting for my mom's boss." Cat smiled, taking her lip gloss out.

"Oh. What kind of dog?" Jade asked.

"I'm not sure. He's got paws and a tail..." She said, applying her lip gloss before screwing the top back on, silently gasping. "Maybe he's an English pawtail!" She exclaimed, "Why, what are you guys doing Saturday night?"

I shrugged, looking at her. "Nothing."

"I've got nothing to do either..." Jade said, before nodding her head up. "We're gonna come hang out with you while you dog sit, so you won't be alone.. K?"

"Okay!" Cat smiled, putting her lip gloss up.

"We gotta get to class." Jade looked at the time on her phone before looking at Cat as she nodded.

"Bye." I said to Cat, as Jade and I turned around, heading for the staircase where Beck and Andre just happened to be.

"Hey." Beck said roughly, looking at Jade as she and I walked past him and Andre before he looked at me. His eyes lingered on me, but he wasn't talking to me, we hadn't spoken since the night we broke up.

"Yeah hey." Jade retorted, not even looking at him. Yeah.. she and Beck.. hadn't been talking either. She hated his guts right now and I hated it. I hated how I felt. I hated how he looked at me and I hated the effect it had on not just me, but everyone else too.

 I hated how he looked at me and I hated the effect it had on not just me, but everyone else too

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