The Wood

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"Okay, now, watch as I scare the lip gloss off of Tori and Trina." Robbie smirked, holding his Astro craft controller in his hands. Beck, Robbie and I we're currently 'hiding' behind the lockers, watching as he flew his Astro craft towards my sisters. "Forward thrust." He mumbled, grinning. The Astro craft flew by Tori, making them both stop and look at it.

"And now... Laser assault!" He exclaimed, making the Astra craft shoot out red lasers. Tori and Trina stared at it for a few seconds before Tori took her textbook and whacked it to the ground. It didn't work after that.

Robbie heaved, staring at his Astro craft as Beck put his hand on his shoulder. "I think the rebels won that one." Beck nodded his head, then pushed Robbie ever so slightly towards Tori and Trina as we followed behind him.

"Hey, thanks a lot for whacking my Astro craft!" He yelled, gesturing to his Astro craft that was now on the ground and sparking.

"It was attacking us." Tori said, playfully.

"And stupid." Trina added making me and Tori laugh.

"Hey, Trina." I called, "They're filming something." I gestured to behind me, nearing the staircase.

"Oh, my God. They're filming something!" She exclaimed, running over there.

"What's going on over there?" Robbie asked.

"I don't know.. Let's go see." I urged, grabbing Beck's arm.

"That girl keeps blockin' my shot." The camera man said as he pulled down his camera, every time he moved, Trina moved too.

"Hey, what's goin' on?" Tori asked.

"Oh, these guys are shooting a TV show." Lane answered.

"A TV show?" Robbie asked, walking up from standing bedside's Tori.

"I wanna be on a TV show." Trina said as she grabbed Lane's bicep. It was like she was in a trance or something.

"What show are you guys from?" I asked.

"It's a new one, called "The Wood." Lane responded.

"I wanna be on 'The Wood.' What's 'The Wood'? I wanna be on it!" Trina exclaimed as she pointed at herself repeatedly. Beck rolled his eyes, taking a sip of his coffee.

"These are the producers, Kyle and..." Lane looked at the other guy, not knowing his name.

"Mick." He spoke.


"Oh, hi." Trina greeted as she inched closer to the producers.

"Hi." They said, walking right passed her.

"Hey, I'm Robbie. Spelled with two b's." Robbie greeted, turning to them as they walked ahead.

"So, what's 'The Wood' about?'" Beck asked.

"It's a reality show..." Kyle answered.

"About teenagers in Hollywood." Mick said.

"I'm a teenager, and I'm in Hollywood right now. See?" Trina emphasized.

"They're here getting some shots of our school..." Lane explained as he brought down Trina's arms.

"And to look for interesting kids to feature on the show." Kyle added.

"So, is there gonna be like a casting session?" Tori asked, walking closer to them.

"Uh-huh." He nodded his head.

"After school, in the black box." Lane smiled.

Trina walked closer to us, stopping right in front of Beck. "I'll be there." She said, then scurried off.

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