Cat's New Boyfriend

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"Oh, see, my sister, Trina, tongue got all big and swollen and here I am."

"Great explaining Tor." I said from behind her, startling her.

It was the next week after that whole Diddly Bops fiasco, and we were back to somewhat of a normalcy, as normal as you can get when you go to Hollywood Arts and have friends like mine. Jade, Beck and I were coming from 1st period, and I was going to stop at my locker when I saw my sister, with a certain someone, I never expected to see her interacting with again...

"So, who's that?" Jade asked, gesturing to Danny.

"Uh, this is Danny."

"Hey Danny." I greeted, smiling and waving.

"Uh, hey Y/n! Hey." He smiled, sending a wave.

"Sup." Beck greeted.

"Why are you talking to Tori?" Jade asked.

"He goes to my old school." Tori said.

"Sherwood." Danny added.

"He.. he was my boyfriend."


"So, why'd you dump her?" Jade asked, smiling, making me let out a laugh.

"Jade.." I said, turning to her.

"Can, I guess? Cuz I gotta a lot of guesses..." She said, stepping closer.

"Um, actually..."

"You, you don't have to..." Tori said, trying to stop Danny.

"Tori broke up with me."

"Oh. And how did you celebrate?" Jade grinned.

"Do you ever take a day off?" Tori asked.

"So, whatcha doin here?" Beck asked, changing the subject.

"Yeah, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Well, I've kinda been dating this girl that goes here. And uh, I was supposed to meet her—" Danny said but was cut off by a squeal.

"Daniel!" Cat exclaimed, running down the stairs.

"Hey, babe!" He greeted.

Cat jumped in his arms, kissing him as he caught her. He spinned them around as I covered my shocked face.

"Oh chiz." I murmured to Jade, laughing.

"Right." She muttered back, laughing as well.

"This is the guy I've been telling you about. My boyfriend!" Cat said, looking at Tori, Jade and I as Jade grinned.

"Oh." Tori grimaced, looking at the ceiling.

"Daniel, these are my friends, Beck, Y/n, Jade and that's Tori."

"Yeah, me and Tori already met Daniel here kitty Cat." I smiled, readjusting my bag.

"Really? You know Daniel?" She asked looking between us.

"Oh, Tori knows Daniel." Jade remarked, amused.

"She sure does!" I added, egging her on.


"So..." Tori said breaking the silence that had settled.

"So..." Danny said, awkwardly.

"Soo..." Jade smirked.

"How come everyone's being all weird?" Cat asked.

"I'll tell you kitty Cat—" I said, stepping closer to Cat

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