Beck Falls for Y/n

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"Just tell us where the girl is." Andre told Beck, as they stood on the stage.

Today was Tuesday, and we were all in Sikowitz class, watching as Beck, Andre and Cat improved on the stage. Class was almost over and after Sikowitz actually taught, they were the first group to go. This week we would be focusing on improv, big twists, and how to properly do them.

"I told you; I don't know!" Beck shouted, rising in his chair.

"Okay, if you don't know, you don't know." Cat shrugged, backing up before she delivered a hard slap to his face. I don't... think it was fake either.

"Ahhh!" Beck groaned as held his face, and Cat grabbed him, holding him up by his shirt.

"Now, do you know?!" She exclaimed, jacking him up.

"Hey man, get your partner off of me!"

"You better tell her what she wants to know." Andre said from behind Cat, leaning on the wall as he sucked on a lollipop.

"You got three seconds to talk!" Cat yelled, still holding onto his shirt.

Beck groaned, sitting upright in his chair again.

"I... I don't... I...—" Beck stammered, before Cat hit him again. He hung over the side of the chair, grunting. "She's in my basement!" He shouted, his voice wavering as he sunk down to the floor, beginning to sob. "She's in my basement!"

"Boring!" Sikowitz exclaimed, sitting at the back of the room.

"That was boring?" Andre asked as Beck stood up, sighing.

"Yeah, it was all too predictable. There were no, ahhh, surprises." Sikowitz said as he walked to the front of the room.

"I enjoyed the slapping." Jade said, looking from the stage to Sikowitz.

Ignoring Jade's comment, Sikowitz continued. "See, entertainment is so much more entertaining, when the characters do things, the audience doesn't expect." He explained.

"I don't get what you're trying to say here." Robbie pointed out from besides Sikowitz.

"You've bewildered everybody!" Rex exclaimed. Murmurs came from the class, agreeing.

"All right, okay, maybe I'm wrong. Let's move on to something else." He clapped his hands, walking towards the stage as Beck, Cat and Andre returned to their seats. "Let's talk about our hopes and dreams. Tori!" He exclaimed, pointing aggressively at her. I laid my head on Beck's shoulder, watching as Tori danced with her hands, pointing at him also.

"Sikowitz!" She exclaimed.

"What's your biggest hope and/or dream?" He asked, sitting down on the step-in front of her, beginning to cheese.

"Uh... probably to be a pop star, a really successful singer." She said, nodding before Sikowitz busted out laughing, like really laughing. Tori looked around, awkwardly laughing with him. "What?" She asked.

"Oh, well, maybe you could sing at weddings... for the hearing impaired." He replied, laughing still as hard.

I covered my shocked face, glancing at Beck. "Oh, my God.." I whispered as Robbie and Andre both raised up in their chairs, shocked at what Sikowitz had just told her.

"Okay, this is the most fun class ever." Jade said, amused, making me kick her leg. She looked at me, biting the air.

"You really don't think I can make it as a singer?" Tori asked, her voice cracking.

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