"Todoroki's Perspective" (2)

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Hope ya'll enjoy!


Todoroki awoke in the hospital, feeling groggy and disoriented. He couldn't remember what had happened, but he had a vague memory or sense of something being terribly wrong.

As he struggled to sit up, regaining his vision, he saw his classmates gathered around his bed, their faces concerned, some even crying.

"Where's Midoriya?" Todoroki croaked, his voice raspy from disuse.

There was a heavy silence in the room. It was Uraraka who finally spoke, her voice shaking. "He was kidnapped by the League of Villains. We tried to save him, but...we failed."

Todoroki felt a surge of emotion rise within him, something he wasn't used to feeling. He had always been cold and distant, hiding his emotions behind a mask of ice. But now, the thought of his dear friend being in the clutches of the villains was too much to bear.

"We have to do something," Todoroki said, his voice laced with determination. "We can't just sit here and do nothing. We have to rescue Midoriya."

But as he spoke, Uraraka burst into tears, her emotions finally getting the better of her. The other girls of the class gathered around her, offering comfort and support.


Outside the hospital room, Uraraka had a heart-to-heart conversation with Momo. "I can't stop thinking about him," Uraraka sobbed. "I haven't slept in two days. All I can think about is Midoriya and how worried I am about him."

Momo put an arm around her friend, offering a comforting embrace. "I know it's hard, but we have to stay strong. We'll find a way to rescue Midoriya, I promise. Everything is going to be alright."

Momo continued, "We have the pro's on our side, we will get Midoriya back! I promise!"

From that statement alone, Uraraka started to weep even more...



Inside the hospital room, the conversation continued. Most classmates had already left. Todoroki and Bakugo were deep in discussion, both of them filled with regret for not being able to save their friend in the forest training camp.

"I should have been stronger," Todoroki said, his voice heavy with guilt. "I should have been able to protect Midoriya. But I failed him."

Bakugo slammed his fist against the wall, his anger barely contained. "We all failed him. But we can't give up now. We have to find a way to rescue him, no matter what it takes."

"Yeah!" Iida screamed at the top of his lungs, disturbing everyone in the premises.

"We will save Midoriya! We even have pro heroes on our side!"

"Iida!" Bakugo screamed, explosions seeping from his palms.


Dear readers, I have many ideas for this wattpad, but they may waver from the original story, I hope it's no biggie!


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