"The Crossroads of Power: Midoriya's Struggle Between Heroism and Villainy" (7)

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Midoriya struggled with his inner turmoil as he listened to All For One's words. On one hand, he couldn't shake the feeling that he had betrayed everything he had ever stood for by joining the League of Villains. On the other hand, the prospect of power and strength offered by All For One was tempting.

As he weighed his options, Midoriya remembered the sense of purpose and belonging he had felt as a hero. He thought of his friends and the people he had sworn to protect. But at the same time, he couldn't ignore the allure of the power and strength that All For One offered.

In the end, Midoriya made a decision. He couldn't turn his back on the promise of power, no matter how much he missed his friends and the life he had left behind.

"I understand, All For One," he said, his voice filled with resolve. "I will work under your supervision and do everything in my power to prove myself worthy of being a villain."

All For One smiled at Midoriya's words, pleased with his decision. "Very well, Midoriya. I will make sure you are trained to reach your full potential. Together, we will conquer the world and crush the heroes who stand in our way."

Midoriya nodded, feeling a mix of excitement and trepidation at the prospect of working alongside the most powerful villain in the world. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he was determined to prove himself and rise through the ranks of the League of Villains.

As he set out on this new path, Midoriya couldn't help but wonder what his friends and mentors would think of his decision. Would they understand why he had chosen this path, or would they see him as a traitor? Only time would tell.


Toga, Dabi, Shigaraki Twice, and Kurogiri were teleported to a lab filled with Nomus, the powerful and fearsome creatures created by Dr. Kyudai Garaki. The leader of the villains, Shigaraki, approached the doctor with a sly grin on his face.

"It's time to release the Nomus against the heroes, doctor," Shigaraki said, his voice dripping with malice. "Let's see how they fare against our ultimate weapons."

Dr. Garaki nodded and pulled a lever, releasing the Nomus into the city. The creatures wreaked havoc, destroying buildings and attacking anyone in their path. The heroes were caught off guard by the sudden attack, struggling to defend against the powerful creatures.

As they watched the chaos unfold, Shigaraki turned to Kurogiri. "Whilst the heroes deal with that, this is the prime time to ask. Where is Midoriya?" he asked, scratching his neck.

"At the boss's lair," Kurogiri replied coldly.

Shigaraki was shocked to hear this. He burst out laughing like a crazy maniac and yelled out, "This will definitely get him on our side! To be honest, I didn't think he ever was going to be a villain until All For One suggested we kidnap him! I honestly had to listen to master's wishes..."

"That means?" Dabi asked.

"U.A. will have a very bad reputation after information about their student becoming a villain gets out. They already are on the brink of destruction after the training camp ruckus we caused," Kurogiri said.

"We could really use this..." Shigaraki said with a sly grin.

"For sure," the doctor agreed, a sinister look in his eyes.

As the Nomus continued to wreak havoc in the city, the villains plotted and schemed, determined to bring Midoriya fully into their ranks and take down the heroes once and for all.

"Wait, where is Spinner?"


Hope ya'll enjoyed.

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