"Midoriya's Descent into Darkness: A Tale of Regret"(11)

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The day after Toga had gotten Uraraka's blood, she had went to UA to get important documents...


As Toga returned to the villain hideout, she was greeted by the eager faces of Dabi and Kurogiri, who were eager to hear about the success of her mission.

"So, how did it go?" Dabi asked, his voice laced with excitement.

"It went well," Toga replied, a sly grin on her face. "I was able to infiltrate UA as Ochaco and get the documents we needed without causing a ruckus. It was almost too easy."

As they discussed the details of the mission, Midoriya walked into the room, his face twisted with concern.

"When are you going to finally release Uraraka?" he asked, his voice heavy with worry.

Shigaraki, the leader of the villains, turned to Midoriya with a cold glare. "Do you want your hero cover to be blown, Midoriya?" he asked, his voice dripping with contempt. "No," Midoriya replied, his head hanging low.

"After all, we're going to be sending you back to UA," Shigaraki continued, his voice filled with malice. "You have a job to do, and you can't afford to let your emotions get in the way." Midoriya was suprised at this, he had no known information about the fact he was going to be sent back to UA undercover...

Yet, Midoriya nodded, a sense of despair washing over him. He knew that he couldn't let his feelings for Uraraka cloud his judgment, no matter how much he wanted to help her.

As the villains continued their conversation, Midoriya couldn't shake the feeling that he was making a huge mistake by staying with them. But it was too late now. He had made his choice, and there was no going back.


Midoriya sat on his bed, staring at the ceiling as he thought about his life. He had always known that he was meant to be a hero, but now he was nothing more than a villain, a traitor to everything he had ever stood for.

As he wallowed in self-pity, he turned on the television, hoping to distract himself from his own thoughts. But as he flipped through the channels, he was shocked to see his own mother's face staring back at him.

She had died in a fire that had swept through their apartment, leaving Midoriya alone and heartbroken. He couldn't believe that she was gone, and the pain of her loss was almost too much to bear.

Tears streamed down his face as he remembered all of the happy moments he had shared with his mother. She had always been there for him, no matter what, and he couldn't believe that she was gone.

As he thought about his sad childhood, he remembered the day he would have received his quirk if he was normal. He had been so excited, convinced that it would be the start of a new and better life. But when he didn't receive his quirk at four years old, everyone except his mother had turned on him, telling him that he was a disappointment and would never be a hero.

Midoriya was just sitting there, on his bed, sobbing as he remembered his mother and the life he had left behind. He knew that he had made a terrible mistake by joining the villains, and he was filled with regret and self-loathing.

As the tears flowed, he heard a knock at the door. He quickly wiped his eyes and sat up, trying to compose himself. When he opened the door, he was surprised to see Toga standing there, looking at him with a sympathetic expression.

"Are you okay, Midoriya?" she asked softly. "I heard you crying from down the hall."

Midoriya shook his head, unable to speak through his tears. Toga hesitated for a moment before stepping forward and wrapping him in a hug.

"It's okay, Midoriya," she whispered. "You don't have to pretend to be strong all the time. It's okay to cry and show your emotions."

Midoriya clung to Toga, grateful for her understanding and support. He knew that he couldn't go on like this, living a life of darkness and regret. 


Midoriya sat at the kitchen table, staring at the steam rising from his cup of tea. He had been a villain for months now, and he still couldn't shake the feeling that he was doing something wrong.

He had always dreamed of becoming a hero, and now he was a villain... It didn't feel right, but he had no choice. Something kept him from running away, something strange...

But as he sat there in the darkness, something strange happened. A strange feeling washed over him, and suddenly he felt a surge of power unlike anything he had ever experienced before.

He looked down at his hands, and to his shock, he saw that they were glowing with a bright, blue light. He had no idea what was happening, but he knew he had to find out.

He stood up and walked to the door, his heart racing with excitement and fear. He knew he was taking a risk by leaving the hideout, but he couldn't ignore this feeling. He had to see what was going on.

As he stepped outside, he was greeted by a sight that took his breath away. The sky was ablaze with a dazzling array of colors, and the air was filled with a strange energy that he had never felt before.

He stood there, mesmerized by the beauty of it all, and then he heard a voice calling to him. It was All For One, the mastermind behind the League of Villains.

"Midoriya," the voice said. "You have been given a gift, a gift that will allow you to become the greatest villain the world has ever known."

Midoriya couldn't believe what he was hearing. He had always dreamed of becoming a hero, but he had never dared to hope that he might actually be able to turn to the darkness.

"You are my successor... I trust that you will be able to guide the league in a new path..."

He listened as All For One explained how he had secretly imbued Midoriya with a powerful Quirk that would allow him to achieve his dreams. He told him how he had always believed in his potential, and how he was willing to give him this gift as a way of making up for all the pain and suffering he had caused for Izuku.

Midoriya was overwhelmed by the offer, and he knew he had to make a choice. He could stay with the League of Villains and use his new Quirk to wreak havoc and destruction, or he could turn his back on the darkness and embrace his true calling as a hero.

He didn't have to think long. He knew what he had to do. He turned to All For One and nodded, a smile spreading across his face.

"I accept your gift," he said. "And I promise to use it to do evil, to bring destruction and chaos wherever I go."

And with that, Midoriya stepped into the darkness, ready to embark on a new journey as the greatest villain the world had ever known.



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