"The Tragedy of Midoriya and Uraraka: A Battle for Salvation" (13)

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The TV screen flickered to life, and the villains watched as the news reporter spoke about the fierce battle that had taken place between the ex-UA student who had been brainwashed and the heroes who were determined to bring him back.

"This is a breaking news update," the reporter said. "A former UA student, believed to be Izuku Midoriya, was spotted attacking the city earlier tonight. The heroes have engaged in a fierce battle with the villain, but so far they have been unable to bring him down. They have released a statement, saying that they will not rest until they have brought Midoriya back to the side of good."

Midoriya chuckled as he watched the news report, his eyes glowing with pride. "You're a genius, Midoriya," Kurogiri said mockingly. "Not only did you sneak out in the middle of the night, but you also ran into your old classmates?"

"We are not trying to lose you, not like Spinner," Dabi added. "What even happened to him?" Midoriya asked in a cold, unfamiliar voice. His power was beginning to affect his vocal cords, and he sounded almost like All For One.

"H-huh? What happened, Midoriya?" Toga asked, her eyes wide with shock. "Master gave me power," Midoriya said, his eyes narrowed. "Power that makes me unstoppable."

It all went quiet as the other villains stared at him in shock. They had never seen Midoriya like this before, and they knew that something had changed within him.

"Spinner is being held at jail," Kurogiri said after a moment of silence. "We are planning to save him soon, but we need your help, Izuku."

Midoriya nodded, his eyes cold and calculating. "Alright then," he said. "I'll help you save Spinner."

But Shigaraki was not pleased. "Hey! I am the leader here!" he shouted. "I make the decisions, not you!"

Midoriya just laughed maniacally, his power overwhelming him. The other villains looked at him with fear and concern, wondering what had become of the hero.


The faculty meeting at UA was in full swing, with Principal Nezu and several pro heroes gathered together to discuss the recent attacks by the brainwashed ex-UA student and the missing Uraraka.

"You're saying you really saw Midoriya?" Nezu asked, his eyes narrowed.

"Yes," Aizawa, Todoroki, and Bakugo said in unison. "We saw him with our own eyes."

"And what about Uraraka?" Nezu asked, his voice laced with concern. "Have there been any leads on her whereabouts?"

"No, sir," Aizawa said, shaking his head. "We have searched everywhere, but we can't find any trace of her. It's as if she has vanished into thin air."

Just then, Detective Tsukauchi burst into the room. "Everyone! I have proof that it was Midoriya," he said, panting. "A store near by recorded the fight, and everything. We can watch it!"

"Put it on," Endeavor said, his eyes narrowed.

Tsukauchi quickly set up the video, and the heroes watched in amazement as Midoriya fought against them with a new power, something so powerful that even the top heroes couldn't stop him.

"Blue lightning and blue tentacles too? What's next? A dancing robot whale Quirk?" Hizashi asked, his eyes wide with shock.

Aizawa sighed. "We need to do something," he said. "We can't let Midoriya continue down this path. And we can't give up on finding Uraraka! We need a plan!"

"Yes, and I have the perfect plan," Nezu said, his eyes gleaming. "We will gather a team of the strongest heroes, and we will track down Midoriya and bring him back to the side of good. We will not rest until he is safe and back with us, where he belongs."

The other heroes nodded in agreement, determined to do whatever it took to rescue their lost comrade. They knew that it wouldn't be easy, but they also knew that they couldn't give up, not when their friend's life was at stake.

And so, with hope in their hearts and determination in their hearts, they set out on a mission to save Midoriya and Uraraka, and bring them back from the darkness.


Alright, question of the night, when is avatar 1 coming out?

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