"The Betrayal of Ochaco" (9)

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It had been quiet on the villain front ever since All For One's defeat. The world had a new number one hero, Endeavor, and things seemed to be returning to normal. But there was still no sign of Midoriya anywhere, and his absence weighed heavily on the minds of his classmates.

Class 1-A had been especially quiet without Midoriya, and many of his friends were struggling to cope with his disappearance. Uraraka, in particular, had been devastated by the news, and had been laying in her bed for several weeks with matted hair and a broken heart.

It wasn't until a week ago that Uraraka was finally forced to return to class, or risk getting kicked out for not attending. She reluctantly dragged herself out of bed and made her way to school, trying to summon the energy to face the day.

As she walked into the classroom, she was greeted by the sympathetic looks of her classmates, who knew all too well how she was feeling. Momo approached her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, offering her comfort.

"We will find him, Uraraka," Momo said softly. "Don't give up hope. We will bring Midoriya back, no matter what it takes."

Uraraka forced a small smile and nodded, trying to hold onto Momo's words of encouragement. She knew that they would do everything in their power to find Midoriya and bring him back to the light.

As the class settled down to begin their lessons, Uraraka took a deep breath and steeled herself for the long road ahead. They would find Midoriya, and they would bring him home.


But just as the lesson was about to start, Uraraka's attention was caught by a movement outside the classroom window. She turned to look and saw a familiar face waving at her, a sly grin on her lips.

It was Toga, a member of the League of Villains. Uraraka's heart raced as she realized that Toga was here, at UA, and she was waving at her as if they were old friends.

Uraraka quickly stood up and made her way to the window, trying to get a better look at Toga. But as she approached, Toga simply waved again and turned to walk away, disappearing from view.

Uraraka was left standing at the window, her heart racing and her mind racing with questions. What was Toga doing here? And why had she waved at her?

"Uraraka?" Questioned Aizawa, "What are you doing?"

Uraraka knew that she had to find out, ignoring Aizawa, she quickly made her way out of the classroom, determined to get to the bottom of this mystery. As she raced down the hallway, she knew that she had to be careful. Toga was a dangerous villain, and she couldn't let her guard down.

But even as she ran, she couldn't shake the feeling that Toga was trying to send her a message. And as she followed the trail of clues, she began to realize that Toga might have information about Midoriya's whereabouts.

Uraraka knew that she had to take the risk, and she followed Toga's trail, determined to find out the truth and bring Midoriya home.

Despite her best efforts, Uraraka was unable to find Toga or any other clues about Midoriya's whereabouts. She searched everywhere, but it was as if Toga had simply vanished into thin air.

Frustrated and exhausted, Uraraka returned to UA, her mind racing with questions and doubts. Had she made a mistake in following Toga? Was there even any hope of finding Midoriya at all?

As she wandered through the empty corridors, she couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched. She turned to look behind her, but there was no one there.

Just as she was about to give up and head back to her dorm, she noticed something caught in the corner of her eye. She turned and saw a piece of paper fluttering in the wind, caught on the edge of a trash can.

Uraraka approached the paper and carefully picked it up, her heart racing as she recognized Toga's signature. It was a note, telling her to meet Toga in an alleyway at 2 am in two days.

Uraraka's mind raced as she tried to decide what to do. On one hand, she knew that it was dangerous to meet with a villain like Toga. But on the other hand, this might be her only chance to find out what Toga knew about Midoriya.

In the end, Uraraka knew that she had to take the risk. She carefully folded the note and slipped it into her pocket, determined to meet Toga and find out the truth about Midoriya's disappearance.

As the days ticked by, Uraraka waited anxiously for the meeting with Toga, her mind racing with all the possible outcomes. She knew that this was a dangerous game, but she was willing to do whatever it took to bring Midoriya home.


When the day finally came for Uraraka to meet with Toga, she was a bundle of nerves. She arrived at the alleyway four minutes before the appointed time, her heart racing and her mind full of doubts.

As she stood there, waiting for Toga to appear, she couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching her. She turned around, trying to catch a glimpse of who might be there, but all she saw was a shadow lurking in the darkness.

Just as she was about to run, a voice spoke up, causing her to jump. "Hello, Uraraka. Turn around..."

Uraraka hesitantly turned around, her heart racing as she saw a figure standing in front of her. She gasped in shock as she recognized Midoriya, his eyes cold and distant.

For a moment, Uraraka was filled with joy at the sight of her friend. But as she tried to speak his name, Midoriya raised his hand and knocked her out with a single blow.

As she fell unconscious, the last thing Uraraka heard was Midoriya's voice, stammering the words, "Ochaco...what have I done?"


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