"Prepare for the Unforeseen" (1)

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I do hope you do enjoy this story. I have been working on it for a while and I finally have decided to start releasing the chapters.

I tried to make it interesting and I hope it comes out that way.

This story is my own, the plot will waver from the original one.


It was supposed to be a routine training exercise in the forest for Class 1-A. But everything changed when the League of Villains appeared out of nowhere, ambushing the students and taking them by surprise.

"Midoriya!" Someone shouted but...

It had been too late...

Deku, the class's star pupil, was the main target of the villains. They had been watching him closely, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. And when they finally had their chance, they seized it, kidnapping him and disappearing into the forest.

Class 1-A was in a state of panic. They had never faced such a formidable enemy before, and they were ill-equipped to deal with the situation. But they knew they had to do something to save their friend.

They split up into groups, searching the forest for any sign of the villains. It was a daunting task, and they encountered all sorts of obstacles along the way. But they were determined to find Deku, no matter what.

"We have to find Deku!" Uraraka shouted loudly to her group as they ran through the dense foliage. "We can't let those villains get away with him!"

"I know, but we have to be careful," Iida warned. "We don't know how many of them there are, or how powerful they are."

As they searched, Bakugo overheard a conversation between two of the villains. He listened in shock as they revealed that they had been planning to kidnap Deku all along. He knew he had to act fast and inform the others.

The students regrouped and formulated a plan. They knew they had to be careful, as the villains were far more powerful than they were. But they also knew they couldn't just sit back and do nothing.

The fight was intense and brutal, with the heroes and villains battling it out in the forest. Class 1-A fought with all their might, using their Quirks and training to their advantage. But despite their best efforts, they were no match for the skilled and experienced villains.

One by one, the heroes fell. In the end, only a handful of them were left standing, panting and bruised. And in the midst of the chaos, Deku was nowhere to be found.

"We failed," Todoroki said, his voice laced with defeat. "We couldn't save Deku. He's in the grasp of the villains now." Tears started forming in his eyes...


Memories started flashing in his mind...

"It's your power! Not his!"

Then, darkness overtook him...


The heroes knew they had to regroup and come up with a new plan. They couldn't give up on their friend. But as they looked around at the devastation, they knew it would be a long and difficult road ahead.


What happens next is a mystery. Will the heroes be able to rescue Deku and bring him back to the light? Or will he remain a pawn of the villains? Who knows? Maybe except the author...

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