"The Sad Truth" (14)

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Days later, the villains were awoken by a loud boom as the heroes arrived at their hideout. They had already found Uraraka, and she was safe. All of her UA classmates hugged her, tears of joy streaming down their faces.

As some of the villains escaped with Kurogiri, others made their way downstairs, only to find themselves confronted by five pro heroes: Endeavor, Aizawa, Kamui Woods, Hawks, and Mirko.

The fight began, and it was fierce. Toga was quickly defeated by Mirko and Kamui Woods, while Dabi fought against Hawks, burning his wings in the process. Izuku, meanwhile, faced off against Endeavor and Aizawa, his new power giving him an edge against the two heroes.

In the end, Toga and Dabi were defeated, but Izuku was left standing, his eyes glowing with power. The heroes tried to speak to him, to get him back to the side of good, but it was no use. Izuku's newfound power was changing him, and there was nothing anyone could do to stop it.

His hair changed from green to black, and his eyes turned red as he spoke in his deep, changed voice. He had become a villain, and now there was no one to stop him.

"Izuku, please, come back to us," Aizawa pleaded. "We can help you. You don't have to be like this."

"It's too late for that," Izuku said, his voice cold and unfeeling. "I have found my true purpose, and it is to serve All For One and the League of Villains. You can't change that."

The heroes looked at him with sadness and regret, knowing that their once-friend was lost to them forever. They knew that they had to stop him, even if it meant going against him in a final, epic battle. But for now, they had to figure out what to do.


The battle between the heroes and Midoriya was intense and fierce. Mirko and Kamui Woods fought with all their might, their quirk-enhanced strength and speed proving to be a formidable force against Midoriya's newly acquired powers.

Endeavor and Aizawa also joined in the fray, using their flames and erasure ability to try and bring Midoriya down. Hawks, meanwhile, tried to use his own speed and agility to get in close and strike at Midoriya, but the villain was too powerful, easily deflecting his attacks.

As the battle raged on, the heroes tried to reach out to Midoriya, trying to bring him back to the side of good.

"Izuku, please, come back to us," Mirko pleaded. "We can help you. You don't have to be like this."

"It's too late for that," Midoriya said, his voice cold and unfeeling. "I have found my true purpose, and it is to serve All For One and the League of Villains. You can't change that."

Despite their efforts, Midoriya seemed beyond reach, his mind consumed by the power and control of All For One.

As the fight continued, Aizawa used his erasure ability to try and stop Midoriya's powers, but it was no use. Midoriya's strength alone was enough to overpower him, and Aizawa was defeated.

Hawks had already lost his wings, they had been burnt by Dabi's quirk. Mirko and Kamui Woods put up a fierce fight, but in the end, they were no match for Midoriya's might.

As Midoriya stood triumphant on the battlefield, Endeavor and Kamui Woods tried one last time to bring him back to the side of good, using their combined strength and abilities to try and capture him.

But all their efforts were in vain, as Midoriya was too powerful to be taken down. It seemed that there was no hope of saving him.

Just when all seemed lost, Endeavor made a last ditch effort, using his incredible strength and heat generation ability to deliver a powerful blow to Midoriya, knocking him unconscious.

As Midoriya laid on the ground, the heroes gathered around him, their hearts heavy with sadness and regret. They knew that they had done everything they could to save their friend, but in the end, their only change was to knock him cold.

But they also knew that they could not give up on Midoriya. They would do everything in their power to help him overcome the hold that All For One had on him, and bring him back to the side of good once and for all. 

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