"The Corruption of Midoriya: A Journey Through Darkness and Doubt" (3)

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Midoriya slowly regained consciousness, his head pounding and his body aching. He was disoriented and confused, trying to make sense of his surroundings.

As his vision cleared, he realized he was in some sort of underground base. Villains were everywhere, their faces twisted and menacing.  He recognized some from media, Toga, Twice, Dabi, Spinner...the list went on. And he was chained to a chair, completely helpless.

Panic set in as Midoriya struggled against his restraints. He had to get out of there, had to find a way to escape. But it was no use. He was outnumbered and overpowered.

Just when he thought all hope was lost, the leader of the League of Villains spoke up. "I've had my eye on you for a while, Midoriya," he said, his voice cold and calculated. "I've been watching you since we had that deep conversation at the mall. And I've come to realize that you have the potential to be a great villain."

Midoriya was taken aback by the words. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. "No way," he said, shaking his head. "I could never be a villain. I'm a hero, through and through." Some villains sneered.

But the leader was persistent. He offered Midoriya a deal, promising him power and influence beyond his wildest dreams. And as the days passed and Midoriya was subjected to torture, deprivation, and endless mind games, he began to waver.

He was starving, with no food or water to sustain him. Toga would sneak up on him in the middle of the night, cutting him with her knife just for fun. And the constant brainwashing and propaganda wore on his mind, slowly erasing his morals and values.

But despite everything he had been through, Midoriya had managed to gain a lot of intel on the League and their operations. He had listened closely to their conversations and observed their actions, determined to find a way out.


One day, Dabi paid him a visit. He looked down at Midoriya with a sneer, his eyes cold and indifferent. "No one's coming to save you, Midoriya," he said, his voice dripping with contempt. "No one cares about you. You're all alone."

Midoriya felt a pang of despair. It was true. No one seemed to be looking for him. He was completely cut off from the outside world, with no way to communicate or escape.

But then Dabi softened, his demeanor changing. "You know, we could use someone like you in the League," he said, his voice more conciliatory. "You have a lot of potential, Midoriya. You could be a valuable asset to us."

Midoriya was taken aback. He had always sworn to be a hero, to stand up for justice and righteousness. But after everything he had been through, he was starting to doubt himself. Maybe he didn't have what it took to be a hero after all. Maybe it was time to consider other options.

The next time Shigaraki came to visit, Midoriya was ready. He listened as the leader of the League made his pitch, offering him a place in their ranks. And after a bit of talking back and fourth, Midoriya finally made his decision.

He would join the League of Villains, make a different dent in the world, one faith had intended.

It was a hard choice, one that went against everything he had ever believed in. But in the end, Midoriya knew it was the only way. He had been through too much to turn back now.

As he took his place among the villains, Midoriya knew he would never be the same again. He had been broken and molded, his soul twisted and corrupted. He was no longer the hero he had once been.

But perhaps, as a villain, he could find a way to make a difference. To right the wrongs of the past and carve a new path for himself.

Only time would tell, and the fate of Midoriya hung in the balance.


Hope you guys enjoyed.

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