Providence "Christian Gospel Mission" Cult

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Providence (officially ChristianGospel Mission) is a Christian new religious movement founded byJung Myung-seok in 1980 and headquartered in Wol Mekong-dong, SouthKorea. Providence has been widely referred to by the media as a cult.

In April 2009, Jung was convicted ofrape by the Supreme Court of Korea and was sentenced to 10 yearsimprisonment. Jung was released on 18 February 2018. Following Jung'srelease from prison, the Korea Post reported that the Providencefaith movement had reached more than 70 countries.

Providence has also been called JesusMorning Star (JMS), Setsuri ("Providence" inJapanese), International Christian Association (ICA), the MorningStar Church (MS Church), the Bright Moon Church, and Ae-chun Church(애천교회).


Jung Myung-seok was born in 1945. He isalso known by the names of Joshua Jung, Joshua Lee and Pastor Joshua.He graduated from The Methodist Wesley Theological Seminary in 1983.In 1998, he completed an executive management program at the graduateschool of Administration, Chungnam University. In 2001, he receivedan honorary doctorate of philosophy from the Open InternationalUniversity under UNESCO in Sri Lanka.

In the 1970s he was a member of theUnification Church, which his teaching resembles. In 1980, Jungfounded the Ae-chun Church (애천교회),which was affiliated with the Methodist Church. The group, whichcriticized Christian teachings and beliefs and maintained that JungMyung Seok was the second coming of Jesus Christ, was later expelledfrom the Methodists and the name was changed to the InternationalChristian Association (국제크리스천연합)in the mid-1980s. A rift occurred in the group in 1986, according tothe Hyundae Jongyo magazine and publisher, when the vice president ofProvidence attempted to act on the sex scandals surrounding thegroup, but he was shut out of the organizational system and Jungconsolidated all power around himself.

In October 1999 the organizationchanged its name to Christian Gospel Mission (기독교복음선교회).


Jung Myung Seok set up Providence in1980 as a breakaway sect from the Unification Church. Providence'score teaching are found in a series of unpublished precepts calledthe 30 Lessons, which bear considerable resemblance to the "DivinePrinciple" of the Unification movement. According to TahkMyeong-hwan, nine of the 30 lessons exhibit a "considerablelevel of resemblance" with the Divine Principle. The lessonsare based on a numerological interpretation which identifies thesect's leader as the Second Coming of Christ.

One lesson implies that those who donot "meet" him will not go to Heaven; another thatany who betray him are committing a grave crime. During theinstruction of the advanced level of the 30 Lessons, it is taughtthat Jung is the Messiah, proven through the numerologicalinterpretation of prophesied dates and times in the book of Daniel,although more recent statements from a representative seems tocontradict this claim.

Like the Unification movement,Providence preaches the advent of the "Complete TestamentEra". Providence furthermore allegorize the relationshipbetween God and man to that between the groom and bride, or twolovers. While both Unification movement and Providence teach thatoriginal sin was caused by Eve's intercourse with the fallen angelturned Satan, Providence teaches this can be redeemed by having sexwith Jung Myung-seok. Jung was found to have forced female followersto have sex with him "as a religious behaviour meant to savetheir souls" in the Korean Court of Law. Former members havestated or testified that young and attractive women were presented toJung as "sexual gifts", with whom he coerciblyengaged in the sexual act, which was explained to them as apurification rite.

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